


Google has been doing its part to make sure everyone has a backup of important data, and it recently released a new tool for Windows and Mac users to take that redundancy to the next level. Appropriately named Backup and Sync, it’s a quick and effective tool to store your important files in the cloud.

Google一直在努力确保每个人都有重要数据的备份,并且它最近为Windows和Mac用户发布了一种新工具,可以将这种冗余提高到一个新水平。 适当命名为“ 备份和同步” ,它是一种快速有效的工具,可将重要文件存储在云中。

备份与同步取代了Google云端硬盘和Google相册上传器 (Backup & Sync Replaces Google Drive and Google Photos Uploader)

Before we get into it, let’s first talk a little bit about what Backup and Sync actually is. If you’re a heavy Google user, you’re probably already aware of Google’s other sync tools: Google Drive and Google Photos Uploader. Those have both now been rolled into Backup and Sync, so you can control all of your files, videos, images, and more from one app. This is where you’ll control which folders from your Drive are synced to and from your PC or Mac, as well as specifying which image folders should get backed up to your Photos library.

在开始讨论之前,让我们先谈一下备份和同步的实际含义。 如果您是大量Google用户,则可能已经知道Google的其他同步工具:Google云端硬盘和Google相册上传器。 现在,它们都已集成到“备份和同步”中,因此您可以通过一个应用程序控制所有文件,视频,图像等等。 在这里,您可以控制驱动器中的哪些文件夹与PC或Mac上的文件夹同步,以及指定应将哪些图像文件夹备份到照片库的位置。

Google Drive is really the core of the Backup and Sync tool, so if you never used the Drive app then a bit of explanation may be in order. Essentially, this new tool will allow you to sync your Google Drive cloud storage with your computer—be that the entire Drive or just specific files and folders. These are then treated as local files on the computer, so your important stuff is always up to date on every computer you own (and in the cloud).

Google云端硬盘确实是备份和同步工具的核心,因此,如果您从未使用过云端硬盘应用,则可能需要一些说明。 本质上,这个新工具将使您可以将Google云端硬盘云存储与计算机同步-整个云端硬盘或特定文件和文件夹都可以。 然后,这些文件将被视为计算机上的本地文件,因此,您拥有的每台计算机(以及云中)中的重要内容始终是最新的。

The only exception here are Google Docs files (Sheets, Docs, Slides)—those are still online-only, as Backup and Sync will not download them for offline access. It will, however, put icons in the Google Drive folder so you can double-click them as if they were normal documents (you’ll just need an internet connection to view and edit them.)

唯一的例外是Google Docs文件(Sheets,Docs,Slides)-这些文件仍然仅在线,因为Backup and Sync不会下载它们以供离线访问。 但是,它将图标放置在Google云端硬盘文件夹中,以便您可以像对待普通文档一样双击它们(只需连接互联网即可查看和编辑它们。)

Backup and Sync also adds one more tool to the equation: the option to back up specific folders from your PC or Mac to your Google Drive. For example, I use Google Drive to store almost everything, so it’s accessible from all of my other device. But the screenshots folder on my Windows machine isn’t in my Drive folder—it’s in my PC’s Pictures folder. With Backup and Sync, I can then access folder on any of my other devices, any time.

备份和同步还为方程式增加了另一个工具:用于将特定文件夹从PC或Mac备份到Google云端硬盘的选项。 例如,我使用Google云端硬盘存储几乎所有内容,因此可以从我的所有其他设备上访问它。 但是Windows计算机上的屏幕快照文件夹不在我的驱动器文件夹中,而是在PC的图片文件夹中。 通过备份和同步,我可以随时访问任何其他设备上的文件夹。

Sound awesome? It is. Here’s how to set it up and get everything synced.

听起来很棒吗? 它是。 这是设置和同步所有内容的方法。

第一步:下载并安装备份和同步 (Step One: Download and Install Backup and Sync)

Naturally, the first thing you’ll need to do is actually download the Backup and Sync tool. Make sure to grab the appropriate download for your device (Mac or PC). If you already have Google Drive installed, don’t worry—this tool will automatically replace it, no uninstallation necessary.

自然,您需要做的第一件事实际上是下载“备份和同步”工具 。 确保获取适合您设备(Mac或PC)的下载。 如果您已经安装了Google云端硬盘,请不要担心-该工具将自动替换它,无需卸载。

It should download pretty quickly, and you’ll just need to launch the installer when it’s finished. If you’re using Google Chrome (as you should be), just click the download button at the bottom of the page.

它应该会很快下载,并且只需要在安装完成后启动安装程序即可。 如果您正在使用Google Chrome(应使用),只需单击页面底部的下载按钮。

A few seconds later, Backup and Sync will be installed. When it was finished, mine told me to restart my computer for reasons unknown to me—I didn’t do it, and everything still worked fine. Take that, Google.

几秒钟后,将安装“备份和同步”。 完成后,我告诉我出于我未知的原因重新启动计算机-我没有这样做,并且一切仍然正常。 谷歌

If you previously had the Google Drive app installed, Backup and Sync should automatically log in to your Google Account. If not, you’ll need to log in. After that, a quick splash screen will let you know what the app is all about: backing up your stuff. Click “Got it” to move into the app.

如果您以前安装了Google云端硬盘应用,则备份和同步应该会自动登录到您的Google帐户。 如果不是,则需要登录。此后,快速启动屏幕将让您知道该应用程序的全部用途:备份您的东西。 点击“知道了”进入应用程序。

第二步:选择要从Google云端硬盘同步的文件夹 (Step Two: Choose Which Folders Will Get Synced from Google Drive)

The Backup and Sync tool is split up into two main sections:


  • Google Drive: This performs the same function as the original Google Drive app. You choose what folders to sync from your Google Drive cloud storage, and they’ll appear in a Google Drive folder on your PC. Anything you put into that folder will also sync to Google Drive.

    Google云端硬盘:其功能与原始Google云端硬盘应用相同。 您从Google云端硬盘的云存储中选择要同步的文件夹,这些文件夹将显示在PC上的Google云端硬盘文件夹中。 您放入该文件夹的所有内容也会同步到Google云端硬盘。

  • My Computer: This part is new, and allows you to sync files between your computer and Drive without putting them in the dedicated Google Drive folder. Just pick the folders from your computer you want to sync, and they’ll sync to your cloud storage (though they’ll appear in a separate section of the Google Drive interface, rather than with all your other Drive files.)

    我的电脑:这是新功能,可让您在计算机和云端硬盘之间同步文件,而无需将其放在专用的Google云端硬盘文件夹中。 只需从您要同步的计算机中选择文件夹,它们就会同步到您的云存储(尽管它们会显示在Google云端硬盘界面的单独部分中,而不是与其他所有云端硬盘文件一起出现)。

Let’s start with the Google Drive section first—it’s second in the list, but it’s much simpler and will be familiar to anyone who’s used Google Drive in the past.

让我们从“ Google云端硬盘”部分开始-它在列表中排第二,但是它更简单,并且过去使用过Google云端硬盘的任何人都会熟悉。

You have a few specific options in this menu. You can:

您在此菜单中有一些特定选项。 您可以:

  • Sync My Drive to this Computer: Use this option to enable/disable syncing your Google Drive to your computer.


  • Sync Everything in my Drive: Literally syncs the entire contents of your Google Drive to your computer.


  • Sync Only These Folders: Allows you to specify which folders to sync from Drive to your computer.


These are really straightforward—just choose what you’d like to sync and be done with it.


第三步:选择PC上的其他文件夹进行同步 (Step Three: Choose Other Folders On You PC to Sync)

Next, let’s look at the My Computer section, where you can select other folders on your PC to sync. There are a few options already available here: Desktop, Documents, and Pictures. You can simply tick the box next to the option to completely back up everything from that location to your Google Drive. Simple.

接下来,让我们看一下“我的电脑”部分,您可以在其中选择要同步的PC上的其他文件夹。 这里已经有一些选项可用:桌面,文档和图片。 您只需勾选选项旁边的框,即可完全备份从该位置到您的Google云端硬盘的所有内容。 简单。

But if you’d like to get a little more granular and only back up a certain folder, you can do this by clicking the “Choose Folder” option. Just navigate to the folder you’d like to back up, and click “Select Folder.” That’s all there is to it.

但是,如果您想获得更多详细信息并且仅备份某个文件夹,则可以通过单击“选择文件夹”选项来完成。 只需导航到您要备份的文件夹,然后单击“选择文件夹”即可。 这里的所有都是它的。

NOTE: Files you sync from outsdie your Drive folder won’t show up in Drive alongside all your other files. To access those files, head to Google Drive on the web and click on “My Computers” in the left menu. This option is also available in the Drive mobile apps.

注意:您从过时的云端硬盘文件夹同步的文件不会与其他所有文件一起显示在云端硬盘中。 要访问这些文件,请访问网络上的Google云端硬盘 ,然后单击左侧菜单中的“我的电脑”。 云端硬盘移动应用中也提供此选项。

If you want a file or folder to show up under “My Drive”, you’ll need to sync it the old-fashioned way: by putting it inside the Google Drive folder on your PC.


第四步:调整照片上传设置 (Step Four: Tweak Your Photo Uploading Settings)

Below the folder options in the “My Computer” section, you can also specify how you’d like to back up images (if you choose to back up images from your PC, of course): Original Quality, which will take up space in your Drive, or High Quality, which won’t take up any space in your Drive. The latter uses intelligent compression algorithms to shrink the size of the image without reducing quality, the same as it does in the Google Photos app on Android and iOS devices.

在“我的电脑”部分中的文件夹选项下方,您还可以指定备份图像的方式(当然,如果您选择从PC备份图像):原始画质,它将占用您的云端硬盘(即“高品质”)不会占用您的云端硬盘中的任何空间。 后者使用智能压缩算法来缩小图像大小而不会降低质量,就像在Android和iOS设备上的Google Photos应用程序中一样 。

You can also specify how you’d like to control delete options: Remove Items Everywhere, Don’t Remove Items Everywhere, or Ask Me Before Removing Items Everywhere. The last option is set as the default, which really makes the most sense anyway. Feel free to change this according to your specific needs.

您还可以指定控制删除选项的方式:“到处删除项目”,“不要到处删除项目”或“到处删除项目前先询问我”。 最后一个选项被设置为默认选项,无论如何它实际上是最有意义的。 可以根据您的特定需求随意更改。

Lastly, you can tick the box in the Google Photos section to automatically scan your computer for new pictures and upload them to Google Photos. There’s also a small option at the bottom labeled “USB Devices & SD Cards,” which you can use to automatically upload files from your digital camera or USB drives if you’d like. Just plug in the drive or card and specify what you’d like to do with it.

最后,您可以在Google相册部分中打勾,以自动扫描计算机中的新照片并将其上传到Google相册。 底部还有一个小选项,标记为“ USB设备和SD卡”,您可以根据需要使用它自动从数码相机或USB驱动器上载文件。 只需插入驱动器或卡,然后指定要使用的驱动器即可。

有关备份和同步的一些其他注意事项 (A Few Additional Notes about Backup and Sync)

That’s really all there is to Backup and Sync, but there are a couple of other things worth mentioning:


  • You can rename your computer by clicking on the “My Computer” (or similar) text at the top of the “My Computer” page and giving it a specific name.

  • You can easily upgrade your Drive storage or disconnect your account from the “Settings” tab.

  • System startup rules, file sync icon, and right click settings can also be modified on the Settings tab.

  • Backup and Sync’s network activity can be restricted in the “Network Settings” section of the Settings tab. Proxies can be specific, and download/upload rates capped if need be.

    可以在“设置”选项卡的“网络设置”部分中限制备份和同步的网络活动。 代理可以是特定的,并且如果需要,可以限制下载/上传速率。
  • The Backup and Sync tool will live in your computer’s system tray as long as it’s running. To access its settings, just click its icon in the tray, click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner, and choose “Preferences.”

    只要计算机正在运行,“备份和同步”工具就会保留在计算机的系统托盘中。 要访问其设置,只需单击托盘中的图标,单击右上角的三点菜单,然后选择“首选项”。

That’s pretty much it, really. It’s a simple tool.

的确如此。 这是一个简单的工具。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/228989/how-to-use-the-desktop-google-drive-app/






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