Google Photos is arguably the best photo management app on the Play Store. It’s intuitive and easy to use, has lots of useful features, and best of all, it backs up all of your images. The thing is, if you’re using a non-stock Android phone—like an LG G series or Samsung Galaxy, for example—the stock gallery app can get in the way of an otherwise consistent and clean Photos experience.
Google相册可以说是Play商店中最好的照片管理应用程序。 它直观易用,具有许多有用的功能 ,最重要的是,它可以备份所有图像 。 问题是,如果您使用的是非库存的Android手机(例如LG G系列或三星Galaxy),则图库应用程序可能会妨碍您获得始终如一的干净照片体验。
The odds are the only time you have to mess with the stock Gallery is when you take a picture: you click the shutter, then tap the thumbnail image. Even if you use Photos as your main photo management app, the camera will open your picture in the default Gallery app. That’s super annoying, and what’s worse, there’s no way to change the default viewer in the camera app.
当您拍摄照片时,唯一的麻烦就是您必须弄乱图库图库:单击快门,然后点击缩略图。 即使使用“照片”作为主要的照片管理应用程序,相机也会在默认的“图库”应用程序中打开您的照片。 太烦人了,更糟糕的是,无法在相机应用中更改默认查看器。
But there’s good news: while you can’t change the app the camera uses to open preview images, you can add a quick link to the photos app directly into the camera app, which is almost as good.
但是有个好消息:虽然您无法更改相机用于打开预览图像的应用程序,但是 可以 将指向照片应用程序的快速链接直接添加到相机应用程序中,这几乎是一件好事。
First, first up Google Photos, then open the menu by sliding in from the left side or tapping the three lines in the top left corner. Scroll down to “Settings” and give it a tap.
首先,首先打开Google相册,然后通过从左侧滑动或点击左上角的三行来打开菜单。 向下滚动到“设置”并点按一下。
Down the list a little ways, you’ll see an option for “Camera shortcut”—this is what you want. Toggle it to turn it on.
在列表的下方,您会看到“相机快捷方式”选项。 切换它以将其打开。
Now, jump into the camera app. The thumbnail icon in the corner will still take you directly into the Gallery—this setting isn’t going to replace that. But take a quick snap, then watch the upper part of the screen—upper-left in landscape, upper-right in portrait. A new thumbnail will appear with a small Google Photos icon. Tapping this will take you directly into Photos. It’s pretty sweet.
现在,跳入相机应用程序。 角落里的缩略图图标仍会直接将您带入图库-此设置不会替代它。 但是请快速浏览,然后观看屏幕的上部-横向左上角,肖像右上角。 新的缩略图将出现,并带有一个小的Google相册图标。 点击此按钮,您将直接进入“照片”。 很甜
The best part is that now you have options: you can jump into either the stock Gallery app or Google Photos, depending on which you want at the time. Of course, there’s also a downside: the Photos shortcut is only available during that camera session—once you close the camera and re-open it, you’ll need to take a new picture to re-generate the shortcut.
最棒的是,现在您有了选择:您可以根据需要的时间跳入图库应用程序或 Google相册。 当然,也有一个缺点:“照片”快捷方式仅在该相机会话期间可用-一旦关闭相机并重新打开它,就需要拍摄一张新照片以重新生成该快捷方式。