xbox录制视频没声音_如何在Xbox One上截图和录制视频



Microsoft’s Xbox One allows you to easily capture a screenshot or record the last thirty seconds of gameplay as a video. You can also use the Game DVR app for more fine-grained recording options. All video clips are saved in 720p resolution at 30 frames per second.

微软的Xbox One允许您轻松捕获屏幕截图或将游戏过程的最后30秒记录为视频。 您还可以使用Game DVR应用程序获得更多细粒度的录制选项。 所有视频剪辑均以720p分辨率以每秒30帧的速度保存。

There’s one catch: you can’t copy your captured screenshots or videos directly to a USB drive. The best way to get them to your computer is to upload them to OneDrive. But we’ll show you how to do that near the end of this guide.

有一个陷阱:您不能将捕获的屏幕截图或视频直接复制到USB驱动器。 将它们传输到计算机的最佳方法是将它们上传到OneDrive。 但是,在本指南结尾处,我们将向您展示如何做到这一点。

如何截图 (How to Take a Screenshot)

You can only take a screenshot in a game, not in the Xbox One’s dashboard interface. While in a game, double-tap the Xbox button at the center of your controller. The Snap menu will appear. Press the Y button on your controller to save a screenshot.

您只能在游戏中截图,而不能在Xbox One的仪表板界面中截图。 在游戏中,双击控制器中心的Xbox按钮。 将显示“捕捉”菜单。 按下控制器上的Y按钮以保存屏幕截图。

If you have a Kinect and have voice commands enabled, you can also just say “Xbox, take a screenshot.”

如果您拥有Kinect并启用了语音命令,您也可以说“ Xbox,截图”。

如何记录游戏的最后30秒 (How to Record the Last 30 Seconds of Gameplay)

Your Xbox One is always recording your gameplay in the background, but it won’t actually save that gameplay video unless you tell it to. To save the last 30 seconds of gameplay, double-tap the Xbox button at the center of your controller to open the Snap menu (just as you would with a screenshot). Tap the X button on the controller to save the video.

Xbox One始终在后台录制您的游戏玩法,但除非您告知,否则它实际上不会保存该游戏玩法视频。 要保存最后30秒的游戏时间,请双击控制器中央的Xbox按钮以打开“捕捉”菜单(就像截屏一样)。 点击控制器上的X按钮以保存视频。

If you have a Kinect, you can also say “Xbox, record that.” As with screenshots, the video recording feature only works in games–not in the Xbox dashboard.

如果您有Kinect,也可以说“ Xbox,记录下来”。 与屏幕截图一样,视频录制功能仅在游戏中有效,而在Xbox仪表板中无效。

如何使用游戏DVR获得更多录制选项 (How to Use the Game DVR for More Recording Options)

If you’d like to make a longer or shorter video, you’ll need to use the Game DVR app. While playing a game, double-tap the Xbox button on the center of your controller, select the “Snap an app” icon at the bottom of the sidebar, and select “Game DVR.”

如果您想制作更长或更短的视频,则需要使用Game DVR应用。 玩游戏时,双击控制器中央的Xbox按钮,选择侧边栏底部的“捕捉应用”图标,然后选择“游戏DVR”。

If you have a Kinect, you can instead say “Xbox, snap Game DVR.”

如果您拥有Kinect,则可以说“ Xbox,捕捉游戏DVR”。

Select “End clip now” and you can choose to save the last 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minute, or 5 minutes of gameplay to a clip.


You can also choose to start recording from here, but the clip you record can only be up to 5 minutes in length at the maximum. To do so, select “Start recording” from here and then select “Stop recording” when you’re done. If you have a Kinect, you can say “Xbox, select” and then “Start recording” to begin. Say “Xbox, select”and then “Stop recording” when you’re done.

您也可以选择从此处开始录制,但是录制的片段最大长度不能超过5分钟。 为此,请从此处选择“开始录制”,完成后选择“停止录制”。 如果您拥有Kinect,则可以说“ Xbox,选择”,然后说“开始录制”开始。 完成后,说“ Xbox,选择”,然后说“停止录制”。

To switch focus between snapped apps, double-tap the Xbox button on your controller and use the left stick or directional pad to select from the app icons at the bottom of your screen. if you have a Kinect, you can instead say “Xbox, switch.”

要在捕捉的应用程序之间切换焦点,请双击控制器上的Xbox按钮,然后使用左操纵杆或方向键从屏幕底部的应用程序图标中进行选择。 如果您拥有Kinect,则可以说“ Xbox,切换”。

Any clips you record in Game DVR are temporary and will be automatically deleted after a period of time unless you choose to save them. To save them, select “View all captures,” select a clip, press the menu button on your controller, and then select “Save.”

您在Game DVR中记录的所有剪辑都是临时的,并且在一段时间后会自动删除,除非您选择保存它们。 要保存它们,请选择“查看所有捕获”,选择一个剪辑,按控制器上的菜单按钮,然后选择“保存”。

如何从Xbox One上获取屏幕截图和视频剪辑 (How to Get Screenshots and Video Clips Off Your Xbox One)

To work with screenshots or videos you’ve captured, open the Game DVR app. Head to My games & apps > Apps > Game DVR to launch it.

要使用捕获的屏幕截图或视频,请打开Game DVR应用程序。 转到我的游戏和应用>应用>游戏DVR来启动它。

Select the screenshot or video clip you want to share or upload in the app, press the menu button, and select “Edit.” If you haven’t yet downloaded the free Upload Studio app from the Xbox Store, you’ll be prompted to automatically download it.

选择要在应用程序中共享或上传的屏幕截图或视频片段,按菜单按钮,然后选择“编辑”。 如果您尚未从Xbox商店下载免费的Upload Studio应用程序,系统将提示您自动下载它。

You can also choose to set a screenshot as the background image for your Xbox dashboard by selecting it, pressing the menu button, and choosing “Set as background” from here.


In the upload studio app, you’re free to edit your project all you like–but you don’t have to do anything if you just want to upload it to OneDrive. Select “Finish” when you’re done.

在上载工作室应用程序中,您可以随意编辑您的项目-但是,如果您只想将其上载到OneDrive,则无需执行任何操作。 完成后,选择“完成”。

You’ll be given the option to upload your screenshot or video clip to OneDrive. You can then access it from the OneDrive feature in Windows 10 or the OneDrive desktop client, OneDrive website, or OneDrive mobile app on other platforms.

您可以选择将屏幕截图或视频片段上传到OneDrive。 然后,您可以从Windows 10中的OneDrive功能或其他平台上的OneDrive桌面客户端, OneDrive网站或OneDrive移动应用程序中访问它。

Yes, you do have to upload screenshots and video clips one by one–there’s no way to batch upload multiple screenshots at once.


It would be nice to see Microsoft improve this feature a bit, allowing easy transferring of screenshots and video clips to connected USB drives or at least batch uploading of multiple files at once to OneDrive. Microsoft may do so in future updates. In fact, the Xbox One didn’t even include a way to capture screenshots when it first shipped–that arrived in an update.

很高兴看到Microsoft对此功能进行了一些改进,可以轻松地将屏幕截图和视频剪辑传输到连接的USB驱动器,或者至少一次将多个文件批量上传到OneDrive。 Microsoft可能会在将来的更新中这样做。 实际上,Xbox One甚至没有提供一种在首次发布时捕获屏幕快照的方法,而该屏幕快照是通过更新来实现的。






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