

Introduction 介绍

Generic types in Rust allow you to write functions, structs, and enums that can operate on multiple data types without sacrificing type safety, enabling code reuse and flexibility. Let’s take a look at a use case.

fn find_max(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32{if x > y {x}else{y}
}fn main(){let result: i32 = find_max(9,10);println!("The maximum value is : {}", result);

Output: 输出量:

The maximum value is 10

If I wanted to use the same function for characters or floating point numbers, I would have to create a new function with the specific types with basically the same logic. Generic type helps to reduce this code duplication.

We can declare multiple generic types for a function/struct. Single generic types are generally denoted by T which stands for Type.
我们可以为一个函数/结构声明多个泛型类型。单个泛型类型通常用 T 表示,它代表 Type 。

Generic types are declare within <> in a function.
泛型类型在函数中的 <> 中声明。

Example : 范例:

fn find_max<T: PartialOrd>(x: T, y: T) -> T {if x > y {x} else {y}
}fn main() {let result = find_max(10, 5);println!("The maximum value is: {}", result);let result_float = find_max(4.5, 3.2);println!("The maximum value is: {}", result_float);let result_char = find_max('x','a');println!("The maximum value is: {}", result_char);

Output: 输出量:

The maximum value is: 10
The maximum value is: 4.5
The maximum value is: x

Explanation : 说明:

  • - The find_max function is defined with the generic type argument T.
    find_max 函数是用泛型类型参数 T 定义的。
  • The <T: PartialOrd> syntax indicates that T must implement the PartialOrd trait, which allows for comparisons across values of type T.
    <T: PartialOrd> 语法表明 T 必须实现 PartialOrd trait,这允许在类型 T 的值之间进行比较。
  • PartialOrd is a trait in Rust that defines partial ordering relations (less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to) between values of the same type.
    PartialOrd 是Rust中的一个trait,它定义了相同类型的值之间的偏序关系(小于,小于或等于,大于,大于或等于)。
  • Types implementing PartialOrd can be compared with the comparison operators (<<=>>=) and can be used in functions that rely on ordering, like sorting algorithms or in this case, finding the maximum value.
    实现 PartialOrd 的类型可以与比较运算符( < , <= , > , >= )进行比较,并且可以用于依赖于排序的函数中,例如排序算法或在本例中查找最大值。
  • This allows the function to work with a variety of types as long as they support comparison using the PartialOrd trait.
    这允许函数处理各种类型,只要它们支持使用 PartialOrd trait进行比较。
  • By utilizing generics, the function gets flexibility and reusability while maintaining type safety.
  • The function returns a value of type T, guaranteeing that the maximum value is the same as the input values.
    该函数返回一个类型为 T 的值,保证最大值与输入值相同。

Generic types in Structs 结构中的泛型类型

Let’s say I want to store a co-ordinates of a point. Here’s a struct that I would normally use

struct Point{x: i32,y: i32,
}fn main(){let point = Point{x: 3, y: 10};//This line will not work because out struct can only store signed 32 bit integerslet point2 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6.9};

Let’s fix this issue: 让我们解决这个问题:

struct Point<T>{x: T,y: T,
}fn main(){let point = Point{x: 3, y: 10};let point2 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6.9};//This line will not work because out struct can not store two different data typeslet point3 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6};

To fix this, we can add another generic type in out struct.

struct Point<T, U>{x: T,y: U,
}fn main(){let point = Point{x: 3, y: 10};let point2 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6.9};let point3 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6};

Now all of this works, and that’s how we can use Generic types in structs…

Generic types in enums 枚举中的泛型类型

We can do the same with enums, I’ll show you an example of two most popular enums with generic types:

enum Option<T>{Some(T),None,
enum Result<T,E>{Ok(T),Err(E),

Generic types in methods 方法中的泛型类型

If you recall, We can use impl to declare implementation blocks for a struct to declare methods for a struct.
如果你还记得的话,我们可以使用 impl 来声明结构的实现块来声明结构的方法。

Getting back to our Point struct, Let’s declare an implementation block using generic types for the struct.

enum Result<T,E>{Ok(T),Err(E),

The method X retrurns the X co-ordinate of the point taking the reference of self
方法X返回以 self 为参考的点的X坐标

Notice how while declaring the struct is used T as the generic type and in the impl block I am using U this shows that both of these generic types are not tied together.
请注意,当声明结构体时,我使用 T 作为泛型类型,而在 impl 块中,我使用 U ,这表明这两个泛型类型没有绑定在一起。

Now what will happpen if I declare another impl block with a concrete type?
现在,如果我用一个具体类型声明另一个 impl 块,会发生什么?

struct Point<T>{x: T,y: T,
}impl<U> Point<U>{fn x(&self) -> &U {&self.x}
}impl Point<i32>{fn y(&self) -> i32{self.y}
}fn main(){let point1 = Point{x: 3, y: 10};let point2 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6.9};println!("X: {}, Y: {}",point1.x(),point1.y());println!("X: {}, Y: {}",point2.x(),point2.y);

The method y is only available to the instances which have the x and y values as signed 32 bit integers, whereas the x method can be used on the instances of any type.
方法 y 仅适用于具有作为有符号32位整数的 x 和 y 值的实例,而方法 x 可用于任何类型的实例。

Mixing up generics 混淆泛型

Let’s take a look at a more complex example where we had two generics in out Point struct and understand the need of mixing them up…
让我们来看看一个更复杂的例子,我们在out Point结构中有两个泛型,并理解混合它们的必要性。

struct Point<T, U>{x: T,y: U,
}impl<T,U> Point<T,U>{fn mixup<V, W>(self,other: Point<V, W>) -> Point<V, W>{Point{x: self.x,y: other.y,}}
}fn main(){let point = Point{x: 3, y: 10};let point2 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6.9};let point3 = Point{x:3.4, y: 6};let point4 = point1.mixup(point2);println!("X: {}, Y: {}",point4.x, point4.y);
  • The code defines a generic struct called Point<T, U>, which represents a point in a 2D space. It has two fields x and y, each with its own generic type T and U respectively.
    代码定义了一个名为 Point<T, U> 的通用结构,它表示2D空间中的一个点。它有两个字段 x 和 y ,每个字段分别有自己的泛型类型 T 和 U 。
  • An implementation block (impl) for the Point<T, U> struct is provided. Inside this block, there's a method mixup<V, W>(self, other: Point<V, W>) -> Point<V, W>. This method takes another Point instance as an argument with potentially different types (V and W) for its x and y values.
    提供了 Point<T, U> 结构的实现块( impl )。在这个块中,有一个方法 mixup<V, W>(self, other: Point<V, W>) -> Point<V, W> 。此方法将另一个 Point 实例作为参数,其 x 和 y 值可能具有不同的类型( V 和 W )。
  • Inside the mixup method, a new Point instance is created with the x value from the current Point instance (self.x) and the y value from the other Point instance (other.y). Both x and y values are of the generic types V and W respectively.
    在 mixup 方法内部,使用来自当前 Point 实例( self.x )的 x 值和来自 other Point 实例( other.y )的 y 值创建新的 Point 实例。 x 和 y 值分别是泛型类型 V 和 W 。
  • In the main function: 在 main 函数中:
  • Four Point instances are created: pointpoint2point3, and point4.
    创建了四个 Point 实例: point 、 point2 、 point3 和 point4 。
  • point4 is created by calling the mixup method on point1 (of type Point<i32, i32>) with point2 (of type Point<f64, f64>). This demonstrates mixing up two different generic types.
    point4 是通过使用 point2 (类型 Point<f64, f64> )调用 point1 (类型 Point<i32, i32> )上的 mixup 方法创建的。这演示了两种不同泛型类型的混合。
  • Finally, the x and y values of point4 are printed to the console.
    最后,将 point4 的 x 和 y 值打印到控制台。

Why mix up generics? 为什么要混淆泛型?

V and W are like placeholders for types. We use them in the mixup method because it lets us mix and match different types for the x and y values of two Point instances. This flexibility makes our code more versatile because it allows us to work with different types without having to change the struct itself. So, V and W are used instead of T and U to keep things clear and flexible in the method.
V 和 W 就像类型的占位符。我们在 mixup 方法中使用它们,因为它允许我们混合和匹配两个 Point 实例的 x 和 y 值的不同类型。这种灵活性使我们的代码更通用,因为它允许我们使用不同的类型,而不必改变结构本身。因此,使用 V 和 W 而不是 T 和 U 来保持方法的清晰和灵活性。





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