谷歌浏览器 设置多账户 If you’re using multiple Google accounts simultaneously there’s a good chance that one of them is the one you want to default. When it isn’t the default it’s rather frustrating; read on as we show a reader how to ensure the accoun…
谷歌账户在别的网上登过 Google provides no way to automatically sync contacts between two different Google accounts. Instead, you’ll have to perform a manual two-step process where you export your contacts from one account to a comma-separated values (CSV)…
谷歌账户无法添加 Google Home is designed to be a shared device that everyone in the house can use. Now, Google has finally made it possible for it to recognize different people and give personalized info to everyone using their Google accounts. Here’s how…
谷歌账户二次验证 I use Two-Factor Authentication for my Google Apps account and I use the Google Authenticator application on my iPhone to generate the second factor. 我对我的Google Apps帐户使用了双重身份验证,并且在iPhone上使用了Google Authenticator应用程…
谷歌多账户登陆 Google has carefully designed its account system so that it can be at the center of your digital life. But if you need to use multiple Google accounts (say, if you have a personal Gmail and a work Gmail), things get tricky quickly. Fortunate…
谷歌账户无法添加 In order to set up an Android device, you have to sign in with a Google account. But you can also add more than one Google account, like a work or second personal account. 为了设置Android设备,您必须使用Google帐户登录。 但是,您也可以添加多…