I use Two-Factor Authentication for my Google Apps account and I use the Google Authenticator application on my iPhone to generate the second factor.
我对我的Google Apps帐户使用了双重身份验证,并且在iPhone上使用了Google Authenticator应用程序来生成第二个因素。
Microsoft Accounts (formerly Live Accounts) just launched Two-Factor Auth and you should set it up now. That means SkyDrive, as well as the Windows Azure Dashboard can now be fronted by two-factor auth.
Microsoft帐户(以前称为真实帐户)刚刚启动了“两因素身份验证”,您应该立即进行设置。 这意味着SkyDrive, / Hotmail以及Windows Azure仪表板现在都可以通过两个因素进行身份验证。
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