验证码2.0智能人机验证(VAPTCHA)- 安全、易用、完全免费手势验证码VAPTCHA是基于人工智能和大数据的次世代人机验证解决方案。独有的验证策略及风控模型组合可彻底杜绝刷票、灌水、撞库等恶意攻击行为。https://www.vaptcha.com/
本来想使用flutter 实现一个插件 来调用安卓的ios,写的过程发现 vaptcha 的原生使用的是webview实现的,额 还是使用web版本进行封装把
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';class AppWebView extends StatefulWidget {final String url;final Function(dynamic)? onMessageReceived;const AppWebView({super.key,required this.url,this.onMessageReceived,});@overrideState<AppWebView> createState() => _AppWebViewState();
}class _AppWebViewState extends State<AppWebView> {late final WebViewController controller;int progress = 0;@overridevoid initState() {super.initState();controller = WebViewController()..setJavaScriptMode(JavaScriptMode.unrestricted)..addJavaScriptChannel("lh", onMessageReceived: onMessageReceived)..enableZoom(true)..setBackgroundColor(const Color(0x00000000))..setNavigationDelegate(NavigationDelegate(onProgress: (int progress) {// Update loading bar.this.progress = progress;setState(() {});},onPageStarted: (String url) {},onPageFinished: (String url) {},onWebResourceError: (WebResourceError error) {},onNavigationRequest: (NavigationRequest request) {if (request.url.startsWith('https://www.youtube.com/')) {return NavigationDecision.prevent;}return NavigationDecision.navigate;},),)..loadRequest(Uri.parse(widget.url));}// 接受h5发送来的数据onMessageReceived(message) async {widget.onMessageReceived?.call(message);//接收H5发过来的数据String sendMesStr = message.message;print("onMessageReceived sendMesStr:${sendMesStr}");Map<String, dynamic> msg = json.decode(sendMesStr);String method = msg["method"] ?? "";// Map<String, dynamic> data = msg["data"] ?? {};if (method.isNotEmpty) {switch (method) {case "back":controller.goBack();break;}}}@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {if (!kIsWeb && (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isAndroid)) {return Scaffold(// appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Flutter Simple Example')),body: Stack(children: [WebViewWidget(controller: controller),if (progress != 100)const Center(child: CupertinoActivityIndicator(),)]),);} else {return const Center(child: Text('WebView control is not supported on this platform yet.'),);}}
import 'dart:convert';import 'package:LS/common/api/api.dart';
import 'package:LS/common/utils/toast.dart';
import 'package:LS/common/widgets/app_webview.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';
import 'package:flutter_smart_dialog/flutter_smart_dialog.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';class Captcha {static show() {AppToast.dialog(title: "图像验证".tr,showBtn: false,SizedBox(height: 350.h,child: const AppWebView(url: "https://genaertest.wbnr.xyz/captcha",onMessageReceived: onMessageReceived,),),);}static onMessageReceived(message) async {//接收H5发过来的数据String sendMesStr = message.message;print("onMessageReceived sendMesStr:${sendMesStr}");Map<String, dynamic> msg = json.decode(sendMesStr);String method = msg["method"] ?? "";Map<String, dynamic> data = msg["data"] ?? {};String server = data["server"] ?? "";String token = data["token"] ?? "";if (method.isNotEmpty) {switch (method) {case "getServerToken":try {// 调用后端接口final res = await Api.captchaVerify(server: server, token: token);final data = res["data"] ?? {};if (data["success"] == 1) {AppToast.show("验证通过");}// 关闭 SmartDialog 弹窗SmartDialog.dismiss();} catch (e) {SmartDialog.dismiss();}break;}}}
弹窗使用的是flutter_smart_dialog 可以自己集成一下
flutter_smart_dialog | Flutter PackageAn elegant Flutter Dialog solution, Easily implement Toast, Loading and custom Dialog, Make the use of the dialog easier!https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/packages/flutter_smart_dialog
AppToast.dialog 其实是下面的封装
builder: (_) {
return child;
keepSingle: true,
clickMaskDismiss: clickMaskDismiss,
usePenetrate: false,
maskWidget: maskWidget,
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"" + a + o : "" + e + t + a + o);},r = function (e) {var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n = document.createElement("script");return ((n.charset = "UTF-8"),(n.src = e),t.appendChild(n),{remove: function () {t.removeChild(n);},});},i = function (e, t, n, i) {return ((t = t || {}),(n = n || !1),new Promise(function (c) {if (n) {var u = setTimeout(function () {clearTimeout(u),l.remove(),c({ code: "0703", msg: "Time out,Refresh Again!" });}, i || 2e3);window["static"] = function () {clearTimeout(u), c.apply(this, arguments), l.remove();};var l = r(e);} else {var s = "VaptchaJsonp" + new Date().valueOf();window[s] && (s += "1"),o(t, { callback: s }),(e = a(e, t));var f = r(e),d = setTimeout(function () {clearTimeout(d),(window[s] = null),f.remove(),c({code: "0703",msg: "Time out,Refresh Again!",});}, 1e4);window[s] = function () {clearTimeout(d),c.apply(this, arguments),f.remove(),(window[s] = null);};}}));};return ((i.setConfig = function (n) {(e = n.protocol || e), (t = n.api_server || t);}),i);})()),S = {staticConfig: function (e) {return T(e.protocol + e.url + e.type + e.id,{},!0,e.waitTime || 2e3);},getConfig: function (e) {var n = "";return (l() &&t(localStorage.getItem("vaptchanu")) &&(n = localStorage.getItem("vaptchanu")),T("/config", {vi: e.vid,t: e.mode,s: e.scene || 0,z: e.zone,v: 3,u: n,}));},lang: function (e) {return T("http://localhost:8080/api/v1/lang", {}, !1);},},C = {en: {"0201": "id empty","0202": "id error","0208": "scene error","0209": "request used up","0906": "params error","0702": "VAPTCHA unit does not match the domain name","0105": "Request too fast, try again later!",},"zh-CN": {"0702": "验证单元与域名不匹配","0105": "刷新过快,请稍后再试。",},},b = 0,j = 9999999999999,I = 0,N = 9999999999999,A = (function () {function r() {var e = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;return "zh-CN" === e? "zh-CN": "zh-TW" === e? "zh-TW": e.includes("en", -1)? "en": e.includes("ja", -1)? "jp": "zh-CN";}function i(e) {if ("cn" === e.area) return "cn";if ("sea" === e.area) return "sea";if ("na" === e.area) return (e.area = "sea"), "sea";if (t(localStorage.getItem("vaptchaNetway")) &&"" !== localStorage.getItem("vaptchaNetway"))return (o(e, { area: localStorage.getItem("vaptchaNetway") }),localStorage.getItem("vaptchaNetway"));var n = 0 - new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60,a = navigator.language || window.navigator.userLanguage;return ((a = a.toLowerCase()),8 === n && "zh-cn" === a? (o(e, { area: "cn" }), "cn"): 8 === n && "zh-cn" !== a? (o(e, { area: "sea" }), "sea"): (n >= 6 && n < 8) || (n > 8 && n <= 10)? (o(e, { area: "sea" }), "na"): (o(e, { area: "na" }), "na"));}var l = !1,s = function (e) {var n = void 0,a = void 0;return (t(e.area)? ((n = "channel-" + i(e) + ".vaptcha.net/" + i(e)),(a = "api-" + i(e) + ".vaptcha.net")): (o(e, { area: "cn" }),(n = "channel-cn.vaptcha.net/cn"),(a = "api-cn.vaptcha.net")),(b = new Date().getTime()),t(localStorage.getItem("vaptchaSpareCh")) &&new Date().getTime() -localStorage.getItem("vaptchaSpareCh") <36e5? S.staticConfig({protocol: e.protocol,id: e.vid,url: n,type: "/config/",}).then(function (a) {if (((j = new Date().getTime()), w(i(e), e), t(a.alias)))return S.staticConfig({protocol: e.protocol,id: a.alias,url: n,type: "/alias/",}).then(function (e) {return o(e, { state: a.state }), Promise.resolve(e);});console.log("channel error");}): S.staticConfig({protocol: e.protocol,url: a,type: "/channel/",id: e.vid,waitTime: 5e3,}).then(function (a) {return ((j = new Date().getTime()),w(i(e), e),t(a.msg)? (localStorage.setItem("vaptchaSpareCh",new Date().getTime()),S.staticConfig({protocol: e.protocol,id: e.vid,url: n,type: "/config/",}).then(function (a) {if (t(a.alias))return S.staticConfig({protocol: e.protocol,id: a.alias,url: n,type: "/alias/",}).then(function (e) {return (o(e, { state: a.state }),Promise.resolve(e));});console.log("channel error");})): Promise.resolve(a));}));},f = function (e) {return s(e).then(function (n) {if (t(n.code) && "0703" === n.code)return (u("5001: channel interface timeout"),Promise.reject("5001: channel interface timeout"));o(e, { api_server: n.api }), T.setConfig(e);var a = 0 - new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60;return o(e, { zone: a }), S.getConfig(e);}).then(function (n) {if (t(n.code) && "0703" === n.code)return (u("5002: config interface timeout"),Promise.reject("5002: config interface timeout"));if (!n) return Promise.resolve();if (n.code !== m.Success) {var a = C.en;return ("0702" === n.msg? alert("" + a[n.msg]): "0105" === n.code? alert("" + a[n.code]): console.log("errorCode:" + n.code + ":" + n.msg),u(a[n.msg] || n.msg),Promise.reject(n.code));}return (n.data.guideVersion && n.data.guideVersion > "3.2.0"? ((n.data.v3Update = 0),console.log("Sorry,the version of V3.JS is too low, please upgrade!")): (n.data.v3Update = 1),o(e, n.data),Promise.resolve());});},d = function (e, t) {return e.protocol + "static-" + e.area + ".vaptcha.net/" + t;},p = function (t) {var n = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],a = document.getElementById("vaptcha_style");return new Promise(function (r) {e(a)? 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"sea" : "cn";var l = "api-" + u + ".vaptcha.net";(I = new Date().getTime()),S.staticConfig({protocol: n.protocol,url: l,type: "/channel/",id: n.vid,waitTime: 5e3,}).then(function (t) {(N = new Date().getTime()),(c = N - I),i < c &&(localStorage.setItem("vaptchaNetway", e),localStorage.setItem("vaptchaNetwayTime",new Date().getTime()),localStorage.setItem("vaptchaNetwayTime2", i)),c < i &&(localStorage.setItem("vaptchaNetway", u),localStorage.setItem("vaptchaNetwayTime",new Date().getTime()),localStorage.setItem("vaptchaNetwayTime2", c));});}},A = function (e) {if ("auto" === e.lang || "" === e.lang) {var o = r();e.lang = o || "zh-CN";}(l = !0),(e.https = !0),(e.protocol = "https://"),T.setConfig(e),t(e.type) && (e.mode = e.type),"embedded" === e.mode && (e.mode = "embed"),!["embed", "popup", "invisible"].includes(e.mode) &&(e.mode = "popup"),t(e.mode) && (e.type = e.mode);var i = new g(e);if ((i.addValidateRules({elementOrSelector: function (t, r) {if (("String" === c(e.container) &&(e.container = document.querySelector(e.container)),n(e.container) &&a(e.container[0]) &&(e.container = e.container[0]),!a(e.container)))return r;},}),i.add("vid", "required", "please configure vid"),"invisible" !== e.mode &&i.add("container","elementOrSelector","5004: please configure container with element or selector"),i.validate()))return f(e).then(function () {var t = e.https? 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最后只需要在接口拦截器中 判断错误状态码 然后主动弹起人机验证