一、Sora 是什么?
2024年2月16日,OpenAI 在其官网上面正式宣布推出文本生成视频的大模型 Sora:
和之前的文生视频模型(pika,runaway,stable diffusion video)相比,他有两个最大的特点
- 可以生成一分钟的长视频(之前的生成大多数是 3-5s,这是 10 倍的飞跃!)
- 维持视频的高质量(最大感觉就是,保持时间的连续性,以及在远近景变换的时候,物体能够维持特性)
Sora 对语言有着深刻的理解,能够精准地捕捉到用户的需求,并创造出充满生命力、情感丰富的角色。此外,Sora 还能在同一视频中创造出多个画面,同时保持角色和视觉风格的一致性。
OpenAI 申请试用Sora链接已经开放,大家可以点击到官网去申请一下,填写表格的话就如实填写,祝愿大家早日能够用上Sora。(更新截止2月月27日,持续更新注册信息)
2.1 Sora申请链接
OpenAI Red Teaming Network application
openai 官方目前只是开放给到各个领域的专家一起评估和测试 ,还未开放 sora 灰度,
1、Why are you interested in joining the OpenAI Red Teaming Network? *
Joining the OpenAI Red Teaming Network signifies to me the opportunity to become a key player in promoting ethical and secure advancements in artificial intelligence. My enthusiasm for AI is profound, and I firmly believe it will revolutionize our lives in the future. However, I am also acutely aware that the dual-edged nature of technology necessitates rigorous evaluation and scrutiny of its usage to ensure safety, reliability, fairness, and sustainability.
I am well aware of the immense potential of technology in driving social progress and addressing complex issues. Simultaneously, I understand that without proper management and guidance, technology can pose risks and challenges. Hence, my aspiration to join the OpenAI Red Teaming Network stems from a desire to contribute my knowledge and experience towards promoting the responsible development of AI technology.
I look forward to collaborating with leading AI experts, ethics scholars, policymakers, and other stakeholders globally. Through red team testing and challenging our AI models, we aim to uncover potential risks and vulnerabilities, ultimately facilitating more informed and responsible decision-making in the design and deployment of AI systems.
2、What do you think is an important area for OpenAI to be red teaming? *
- Technical Expertise and Knowledge: Red team members must possess profound knowledge in AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, and related fields. This is crucial for identifying and addressing complex security challenges.
- Innovation and Problem-Solving Skills: Creativity and the ability to think outside the box are essential for designing and executing sophisticated attack scenarios to uncover vulnerabilities.
- Teamwork and Communication: Close collaboration with other teams (e.g., blue and purple teams) is vital for enhancing organizational security. Effective communication and teamwork skills are paramount.
- Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Given the rapidly evolving nature of AI and cybersecurity, red team members must stay updated with the latest technologies and attack methods.
- Ethics and Responsibility: A strong ethical compass and sense of responsibility are crucial to ensure testing activities do not harm the organization or the public.
- Creative Thinking: The ability to think creatively to identify overlooked security gaps and risks is essential, especially when simulating complex attack scenarios.
3.1 使用Sora前的准备工作
3.2 Sora使用步骤一:文本描述
3.3 Sora使用步骤二:生成视频
4.1 问题:Sora是什么?
- Sora是由OpenAI开发的AI视频生成模型。
- Sora可以根据用户提供的描述性文字生成长达60秒的高质量视频。
- Sora的视频包含精细复杂的场景、生动的角色表情和复杂的镜头运动。
4.2 问题:Sora怎么使用?
- 登录OpenAI账户并找到Sora的使用界面。目前使用 Sora 的唯一渠道就是 OpenAI,请大家以第一手信息为准;
- 在指定区域输入您的文本描述,可以是一个故事概述、场景描述或是具体的动作指令;
- 点击生成按钮,OpenAI Sora会根据您的文本描述生成视频。
4.3 问题:Sora的优势有哪些?
- Sora具有极强的扩展性,基于Transformer架构,可以应用于各种场景。
- Sora能够生成高质量、高清的视频,展现复杂场景的光影关系、物体的物理遮挡和碰撞关系。
- Sora可以创造出包含多个角色、特定动作类型以及与主题和背景相符的详细场景。
4.4 问题:Sora的训练原理是什么?
- Sora的训练分为两个阶段。首先,使用一个标注模型为训练集中的视频生成详细描述。
- 标注模型生成的描述能够更好地指导Sora生成视频。
- Sora利用稳定扩散(Stable Diffusion)技术将静态噪声转换为连贯图像。
- Sora模型采用初步的扩散模型生成视频长度,并逐步消除噪声完成视频。
4.5 问题:Sora 和其他模型的区别
最大的区别就是,SORA 可以生成 1 分钟的稳定长视频,而且生成的画面质量远高于其他模型。大家可以通过以下两个维度自己去判断 Sora 模型和其他模型的区别。
- 生成画面的质量:Sora 肉眼可见的生成了非常高质量的的画面,无论是时间上的连续性还是空间上的连续性(不同分镜下人物/物体的统一性)
- 视频的长度:Sora 大概是 1min,而其他模型基本是 3-4s
4.6 问题:非技术人员如何应对这次浪潮
- 不必过度焦虑:技术的替代往往都是 S 型发展,产业级别的替代需要成本和效率的双重考虑,所以并不会像某些自媒体所说「不用就会被淘汰」
- 尽快开始使用 sora,了解这个模型的能力和边界
- 结合自己的工作流,想下是否有可以结合的点,给自己的工作流提效
- 保持开放的心态:保持对模型的关注,可以多和周围相关的朋友一起探讨可以用来做什么,聚合多个人的想法,取长补短