
Top 10 Active Electronic Parts Distributors List – 2022 / 2023


A company that acquires all electronic components from numerous manufacturers and sells them to customers from a single location is known as an electronic components distributor.


Reputable electronics distributors already offer online stores where merchants may place orders. Because electronics distributors have vital access to and control over their supply chain, they can sell various active electronic parts online at meagre prices. Once more, they keep in stock obsolete electronic components since there is no demand for them. They also keep in stock a variety of obsolete electronic components that are difficult for consumers to find on the open market.

众所周知,只有少数有规模的消费电子产品分销商才能向客户提供种类繁多的电子元件。此外,这些电子产品分销商还为客户提供技术帮助和完整的电子元件解决方案。将业务外包并保持单一的 b2b 电子产品分销商持续供货并不是一项革命性的商业战略。虽然小型企业认为这样做具有挑战性,但它改善了国际资源的可用性。由于能够在线购买有源电子零件并将其运送到所在地,电子制造业已受益匪浅。许多较小的电子产品分销商经常从一些最大的有源电子元件分销商那里购买电子元件。

It is known that only a few sizable consumer electronics distributors can offer a wide range of electronic components to their customers. Furthermore, these electronics distributors offer their customers technical help and complete electrical components solutions. It’s not a revolutionary business strategy to outsource operations and maintain a single b2b electronics distributor for continuous supply. Whereas smaller enterprises find it challenging to do so, it has improved the availability of resources internationally. With the ability to purchase active electronic parts online and deliver them to their location, the industry has greatly benefited. Many smaller electronics distributors often buy their electronic components from some of the largest active  electronic parts distributors.

对于电子供应链而言,活跃的电子零件分销商至关重要。您可以从最广泛的半导体、中小型零件、开发板等产品中进行选择。B2b 电子产品分销商使全球市场上的所有零部件供应变得简单,帮助企业家和公司推出创新的电子产品。这些分销商如果不能保证简单而实惠的零部件供应,许多企业就会停止运营。

For the electronic supply chain, active electronic parts distributors are crucial. You can choose from the broadest selection of semiconductors, small- to medium-sized parts, development boards, etc. B2b electronics distributors make it simple for all component supplies to be available on the global market, helping entrepreneurs and companies introduce their innovative electrical products. Many enterprises would otherwise cease operations if they were not guaranteed a simple and affordable supply of parts.

2022 年最活跃的电子零件分销商如下。

The top active electronic parts distributors for 2022 are shown below.

1.Digikey Electronics

Digi-Key Electronics 总部位于明尼苏达州 Thief River Falls,是全球知名的高服务电气元件分销组件和自动化解决方案的领导者。自 1972 年成立以来,一直是设计工程师的重要资源。如今,Digi-Key 已成为顶级电子元件分销商之一,拥有全球最丰富的电子元件库存,可立即发货。

1. Digikey Electronics

Digi-Key Electronics, headquartered in Thief River Falls, Minnesota, is a well-known global leader in high-service electrical component distribution components and automation solutions. An essential resource for design engineers since its founding in 1972. Today, Digi-Key, one of the top electronic component distributors, has the most extensive inventory of electronic components anywhere in the world that can be shipped right away.


公司的全球总部和分销设施位于德克萨斯州的 DFW Metroplex,占地 78 英亩。超过 1200 家生产商,包括德州仪器、英特尔、TE Connectivity 和 Analog Devices,在占地 100 万平方英尺的设施中拥有总计超过 100 万种不同 SKU 的库存。

2. Mouser Electronics

The company’s worldwide headquarters and distribution facility are located in the DFW Metroplex, Texas, on a vast 78-acre property. Over 1,200 manufacturing names, including Texas Instruments, Intel, TE Connectivity, and Analog Devices, have inventories totalling over a million distinct SKUs in facilities spanning one million square feet.


富昌电子公司的总部位于魁北克省的 Pointe-Claire,是一家电气和有源电子零件分销商。该公司是魁北克最大的私营企业之一,由加拿大百万富翁罗伯特-米勒(Robert Miller)创建于 1968 年,目前是全球第三大电子产品批发商。在美洲、欧洲、亚洲、非洲和大洋洲,该公司在 44 个国家的 170 个地点开展业务。

3. Future Electronics

With its main office in Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Future Electronics Inc. is an electrical and active electronic parts distributor. One of Quebec’s largest privately owned businesses, the organisation was founded in 1968 by Canadian millionaire Robert Miller and is today the third-largest electronics wholesaler in the world. In the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, it runs operations in 170 locations in 44 nations.

4. 纽瓦克

纽瓦克公司以其位于南卡罗来纳州的地区分销基地为依托,为其在美国、加拿大和墨西哥各地的活动提供服务。在北美和世界其他地区,公司致力于满足北美和世界其他地区的当地语言、货币、产品和装运要求。因此,Farnell 凭借其广泛的全球业务、库存渠道和稳固的供应商合作伙伴关系,能够更好地满足您的需求。

4. Newark

From its regional distribution base in South Carolina, Newark services its activities throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. In North America and other parts of the world, the firm is dedicated to meeting local language, currency, product, and shipment requirements in North America and other parts of the world. As a result, Farnell is better equipped to meet your demands because of its extensive worldwide operations, access to inventory, and solid supplier partnerships.

5. 艾睿电子

艾睿电子 2012 年收入达 204 亿美元,是全球最大的电子零件分销商之一。艾睿电子在全球 55 个国家拥有 470 多家工厂,是 10 万多家原始设备制造商、合同制造商和工业客户的供应渠道合作伙伴。

艾睿电子是财富 150 强企业之一,在全球拥有 16500 名员工,服务于各行各业,包括工业设备、信息系统、汽车与运输、航空航天与国防、医疗与生命科学、电信服务和消费电子产品。该公司还协助客户推出创新产品,缩短产品上市时间,提高整体竞争力。

5. Arrow Electronics

With $20.4 billion in revenue in 2012, Arrow is one of the largest  active electronic parts distributors. Through a worldwide network of more than 470 facilities in 55 countries, Arrow acts as a supply channel partner for more than 100,000 original equipment manufacturers, contract manufacturers, and industrial clients.

Arrow, a Fortune 150 company with 16,500 employees worldwide, serves a variety of industries, including industrial equipment, information systems, automotive and transportation, aerospace and defence, medical and life sciences, telecommunication services, and consumer electronics. It also assists clients in introducing innovative products, cutting down on time to market, and improving overall competitiveness.

6. 安富利

有源电子零件分销商和解决方案提供商安富利公司 Avnet, Inc. 该公司的业务是推广、销售和分销生产商提供的有源电子部件,包括晶体管、互连器件、无源和机电部件以及其他集成和嵌入式部件。

6. Avnet

Active electronic parts distributor and solutions provider Avnet, Inc. The business promotes, sells, and distributes active electronic parts from producers, including transistors, interconnections, passive and electromechanical parts, and other integrated and embedded parts.

7. WPG 控股公司

WPG Holding Co Ltd. 是一家半导体和电子产品分销商,总部设在台湾。亚太地区是其最大的市场。其增值服务包括需求生成、交钥匙解决方案、技术支持、仓储、运输和半导体分销电子商务。

7. WPG Holding

WPG Holding Co Ltd. is a semiconductor and electronics distributor based in Taiwan. APAC is their largest market. Value-added services include demand generation, turnkey solutions, technical support, warehousing, shipping, and e-commerce for semiconductor distribution.

8. Premier Farnell

Premier Farnell Plc. 为全球数百万工程师和专业采购人员提供高质量、多渠道的协助。他们从 3,500 多家信誉良好的供应商那里供应从电气元件到工业产品的所有产品。

8. Premier Farnell

Through its Group entities, Premier Farnell Plc. Provides high-quality, multi-channel assistance to millions of engineers and buying professionals worldwide. From over 3,500 reputable suppliers, they supply everything from electrical components to industrial goods.

9. 儒卓力电子

儒卓力是一家年销售额达 10 亿美元的私营分销商,业务遍及全球。目前,它是欧洲第三大、全球第十一大电子元件分销商。除嵌入式电路板、存储设备、显示器和无线产品外,其产品线还包括晶体管、无源和机电元件--汽车、医疗保健、工业产品、家用电器、能源和照明。除了提供种类繁多的零部件外,儒卓力还为全球客户提供无与伦比的客户关怀和技术支持,并针对技术、业务和物流方面的困难提供咨询服务。

9. Rutronik Electronics

With $1 billion in yearly sales, Rutronik is a privately held, broad-line, restocking distributor with operations around the globe. It is now listed as the third-largest distributor of electronic components in Europe and the eleventh-largest overall. In addition to embedded boards, storage devices, displays, and wireless goods, their product line comprises transistors and passive and electromechanical components—automobiles, healthcare, industrial goods, household appliances, energy, and lighting. In addition to offering a broad range of parts, Rutronik provides clients worldwide with unmatched customer care and technical support and consulting services for technical, business, and logistical difficulties.

10. 创科实业

TTI, Inc. 销售半导体产品。该公司提供机电设备、无源元件、电位计、微调器、电缆和电线识别产品、应用工具以及磁性和电路保护元件。TTI 为全球工业、军事、航空航天和消费电子产品生产商提供服务。

10. TTI

TTI, Inc. sells semiconductor products. The company offers electromechanical equipment, passive components, potentiometers, trimmers, cables and wires identification goods, application tools, and magnetic and circuit protection elements. TTI serves worldwide industrial, military, aerospace, and consumer electronics producers.

( 2 Nov 2023 )












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