
Point.java  让我们来找茬,(⊙o⊙)看看哪里不一样咯!!!

package algorithm_graphics_2;/** Copyright (c) 1995, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.*********************///package java.awt;import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.beans.Transient;/*** A point representing a location in {@code (x,y)} coordinate space,* specified in integer precision.** @author      Sami Shaio* @since       1.0*/
public class Point extends Point2D implements java.io.Serializable
{/*** The X coordinate of this <code>Point</code>.* If no X coordinate is set it will default to 0.** @serial* @see #getLocation()* @see #move(int, int)* @since 1.0*/public double x;/*** The Y coordinate of this <code>Point</code>.* If no Y coordinate is set it will default to 0.** @serial* @see #getLocation()* @see #move(int, int)* @since 1.0*/public double y;/** JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID*/private static final long serialVersionUID = -5276940640259749850L;/*** Constructs and initializes a point at the origin (0,&nbsp;0) of the coordinate space.* * @since 1.1*/public Point(){this(0, 0);}/*** Constructs and initializes a point with the same location as the specified <code>Point</code> object.* * @param p a point* @since 1.1*/public Point(Point p){this(p.x, p.y);}/*** Constructs and initializes a point at the specified {@code (x,y)} location in the coordinate space.* * @param x the X coordinate of the newly constructed <code>Point</code>* @param y the Y coordinate of the newly constructed <code>Point</code>* @since 1.0*/public Point(double x, double y){this.x = x;this.y = y;}/*** {@inheritDoc}* @since 1.2*/public double getX(){return x;}/*** {@inheritDoc}* @since 1.2*/public double getY(){return y;}/*** Returns the location of this point.* This method is included for completeness, to parallel the <code>getLocation</code> method of <code>Component</code>.* * @return a copy of this point, at the same location* @see    java.awt.Component#getLocation* @see    java.awt.Point#setLocation(java.awt.Point)* @see    java.awt.Point#setLocation(int, int)* @since  1.1*/@Transientpublic Point getLocation(){return new Point(x, y);}/*** Sets the location of the point to the specified location. * This method is included for completeness, to parallel the <code>setLocation</code> method of <code>Component</code>.* * @param p  a point, the new location for this point* @see   java.awt.Component#setLocation(java.awt.Point)* @see   java.awt.Point#getLocation* @since 1.1*/public void setLocation(Point p){setLocation(p.x, p.y);}/*** Changes the point to have the specified location.* <p>* This method is included for completeness, to parallel the <code>setLocation</code> method of <code>Component</code>.* Its behavior is identical with <code>move(int,&nbsp;int)</code>.* * @param       x the X coordinate of the new location* @param       y the Y coordinate of the new location* @see         java.awt.Component#setLocation(int, int)* @see         java.awt.Point#getLocation* @see         java.awt.Point#move(int, int)* @since       1.1*/public void setLocation(int x, int y){move(x, y);}/*** Sets the location of this point to the specified double coordinates.* The double values will be rounded to integer values.* Any number smaller than <code>Integer.MIN_VALUE</code> will be reset to <code>MIN_VALUE</code>, and any number larger than <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> will be reset to <code>MAX_VALUE</code>.* * * @param x the X coordinate of the new location* @param y the Y coordinate of the new location* @see #getLocation*/public void setLocation(double x, double y){this.x = (int) Math.floor(x + 0.5);this.y = (int) Math.floor(y + 0.5);}/*** Moves this point to the specified location in the {@code (x,y)} coordinate plane. * This method is identical with <code>setLocation(int,&nbsp;int)</code>.* * * @param       x the X coordinate of the new location* @param       y the Y coordinate of the new location* @see         java.awt.Component#setLocation(int, int)*/public void move(int x, int y){this.x = x;this.y = y;}/*** Translates this point, at location {@code (x,y)}, by {@code dx} along the {@code x} axis and {@code dy} along the {@code y} axis so that it now represents the point {@code (x+dx,y+dy)}.* * @param dx the distance to move this point along the X axis* @param dy the distance to move this point along the Y axis*/public void translate(int dx, int dy){this.x += dx;this.y += dy;}/*** Determines whether or not two points are equal. * Two instances of <code>Point2D</code> are equal if the values of their <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> member fields, representing their position in the coordinate space, are the same.* * @param obj an object to be compared with this <code>Point2D</code>* @return <code>true</code> if the object to be compared is an instance of <code>Point2D</code> and has the same values; <code>false</code> otherwise.*/public boolean equals(Object obj){if (obj instanceof Point){Point pt = (Point) obj;return (x == pt.x) && (y == pt.y);}return super.equals(obj);}/*** Returns a string representation of this point and its location* in the {@code (x,y)} coordinate space. This method is* intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the content* and format of the returned string may vary between implementations.* The returned string may be empty but may not be <code>null</code>.** @return  a string representation of this point*/public String toString(){return getClass().getName() + "[x=" + x + ",y=" + y + "]";}


/** Copyright (c) 1995, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.*********************/package java.awt;import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.beans.Transient;/*** A point representing a location in {@code (x,y)} coordinate space,* specified in integer precision.** @author      Sami Shaio* @since       1.0*/
public class Point extends Point2D implements java.io.Serializable {/*** The X coordinate of this <code>Point</code>.* If no X coordinate is set it will default to 0.** @serial* @see #getLocation()* @see #move(int, int)* @since 1.0*/public int x;/*** The Y coordinate of this <code>Point</code>.* If no Y coordinate is set it will default to 0.** @serial* @see #getLocation()* @see #move(int, int)* @since 1.0*/public int y;/** JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID*/private static final long serialVersionUID = -5276940640259749850L;/*** Constructs and initializes a point at the origin* (0,&nbsp;0) of the coordinate space.* @since       1.1*/public Point() {this(0, 0);}/*** Constructs and initializes a point with the same location as* the specified <code>Point</code> object.* @param       p a point* @since       1.1*/public Point(Point p) {this(p.x, p.y);}/*** Constructs and initializes a point at the specified* {@code (x,y)} location in the coordinate space.* @param x the X coordinate of the newly constructed <code>Point</code>* @param y the Y coordinate of the newly constructed <code>Point</code>* @since 1.0*/public Point(int x, int y) {this.x = x;this.y = y;}/*** {@inheritDoc}* @since 1.2*/public double getX() {return x;}/*** {@inheritDoc}* @since 1.2*/public double getY() {return y;}/*** Returns the location of this point.* This method is included for completeness, to parallel the* <code>getLocation</code> method of <code>Component</code>.* @return      a copy of this point, at the same location* @see         java.awt.Component#getLocation* @see         java.awt.Point#setLocation(java.awt.Point)* @see         java.awt.Point#setLocation(int, int)* @since       1.1*/@Transientpublic Point getLocation() {return new Point(x, y);}/*** Sets the location of the point to the specified location.* This method is included for completeness, to parallel the* <code>setLocation</code> method of <code>Component</code>.* @param       p  a point, the new location for this point* @see         java.awt.Component#setLocation(java.awt.Point)* @see         java.awt.Point#getLocation* @since       1.1*/public void setLocation(Point p) {setLocation(p.x, p.y);}/*** Changes the point to have the specified location.* <p>* This method is included for completeness, to parallel the* <code>setLocation</code> method of <code>Component</code>.* Its behavior is identical with <code>move(int,&nbsp;int)</code>.* @param       x the X coordinate of the new location* @param       y the Y coordinate of the new location* @see         java.awt.Component#setLocation(int, int)* @see         java.awt.Point#getLocation* @see         java.awt.Point#move(int, int)* @since       1.1*/public void setLocation(int x, int y) {move(x, y);}/*** Sets the location of this point to the specified double coordinates.* The double values will be rounded to integer values.* Any number smaller than <code>Integer.MIN_VALUE</code>* will be reset to <code>MIN_VALUE</code>, and any number* larger than <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> will be* reset to <code>MAX_VALUE</code>.** @param x the X coordinate of the new location* @param y the Y coordinate of the new location* @see #getLocation*/public void setLocation(double x, double y) {this.x = (int) Math.floor(x+0.5);this.y = (int) Math.floor(y+0.5);}/*** Moves this point to the specified location in the* {@code (x,y)} coordinate plane. This method* is identical with <code>setLocation(int,&nbsp;int)</code>.* @param       x the X coordinate of the new location* @param       y the Y coordinate of the new location* @see         java.awt.Component#setLocation(int, int)*/public void move(int x, int y) {this.x = x;this.y = y;}/*** Translates this point, at location {@code (x,y)},* by {@code dx} along the {@code x} axis and {@code dy}* along the {@code y} axis so that it now represents the point* {@code (x+dx,y+dy)}.** @param       dx   the distance to move this point*                            along the X axis* @param       dy    the distance to move this point*                            along the Y axis*/public void translate(int dx, int dy) {this.x += dx;this.y += dy;}/*** Determines whether or not two points are equal. Two instances of* <code>Point2D</code> are equal if the values of their* <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> member fields, representing* their position in the coordinate space, are the same.* @param obj an object to be compared with this <code>Point2D</code>* @return <code>true</code> if the object to be compared is*         an instance of <code>Point2D</code> and has*         the same values; <code>false</code> otherwise.*/public boolean equals(Object obj) {if (obj instanceof Point) {Point pt = (Point)obj;return (x == pt.x) && (y == pt.y);}return super.equals(obj);}/*** Returns a string representation of this point and its location* in the {@code (x,y)} coordinate space. This method is* intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the content* and format of the returned string may vary between implementations.* The returned string may be empty but may not be <code>null</code>.** @return  a string representation of this point*/public String toString() {return getClass().getName() + "[x=" + x + ",y=" + y + "]";}




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