Chinese Art Styles
Traditional Chinese Painting 中国传统绘画
Ink and Wash Painting 水墨画
Gongbi 工笔
Xieyi 写意
Shan Shui 山水
Bird-and-Flower Painting 花鸟画
Figure Painting 人物画
Calligraphy 书法
Seal Carving 印章雕刻
Paper Cutting 剪纸
Chinese Knot 中国结
New Year Picture 年画
Dunhuang Art 敦煌艺术
Blue and White Porcelain 青花瓷
Tri-colored Glazed Pottery 唐三彩
Cloisonné 景泰蓝
Jade Carving 玉雕
Woodblock Printing 木版印刷
Shadow Puppetry 皮影戏
Peking Opera Masks 京剧脸谱
Lacquerware 漆器
Embroidery 刺绣
Silk Painting 绢画
Bamboo Carving 竹雕
Stone Carving 石雕
Dough Modeling 面塑
Kite Making 风筝制作
Fan Painting 扇面画
Chinese Bronze Art 中国青铜艺术
Terracotta Army 兵马俑
Chinese Landscape Garden 中国园林
Literati Painting 文人画
Four Gentlemen 四君子(梅兰竹菊)
Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖
Dragon and Phoenix 龙凤
Chinese Mythology Painting 神话画
Martial Arts in Art 武术在艺术中
Tea Culture in Art 茶文化艺术
Porcelain Painting 瓷器绘画
Underglaze and Overglaze 上釉下釉
Chinese Calligraphy Styles 书法风格(篆书、隶书、楷书、行书、草书)
Festival Arts 节日艺术
Traditional Chinese Architecture 中国传统建筑
Chinese Opera 中国戏曲
Chinese Music in Art 中国音乐艺术
Folk Arts 民间艺术
Minority Ethnic Arts 少数民族艺术
Traditional Chinese Clothing in Art 传统服饰艺术
Scholar's Objects 文房四宝(笔、墨、纸、砚)
Chinese Garden Stones 园林石
提示词 1:
A traditional Chinese Shan Shui painting, depicting a majestic mountain landscape with flowing rivers and ancient pavilions.
提示词 2:
A detailed Gongbi painting of a peony, symbolizing wealth and honor, with vibrant colors and exquisite brushwork.
提示词 3:
A traditional Chinese ink and wash painting featuring a bamboo forest, highlighting the elegance and strength of the bamboo stalks.
提示词 4:
A depiction of traditional Chinese New Year decorations, featuring red lanterns, paper cuttings, and couplets, symbolizing luck and prosperity.
提示词 5:
An intricate Chinese paper cutting artwork, featuring traditional motifs such as animals, flowers, and folklore characters, created with precision and delicate craftsmanship.