模型系列:增益模型Uplift Modeling原理和案例
- 1. 简介
- 1. 第一步
- 2. 指标
- 3. 元学习器
- 3.1 S-学习器
- 3.2 T-学习器
- 3.3 T-学习器相关模型
1. 类似模型 Look-alike model
2. 响应模型 Response model
3. Uplift建模 Uplift model
首先,我们将行动表示为 Y
(1 - 行动,0 - 无行动),治疗表示为 W
(1 - 治疗,0 - 无治疗)

🤷 将采取行动
- 这群人无论如何都会采取行动(Y=1, W=1
和Y=1, W=0
🙋 可说服的
- 这群人只有在治疗后才会采取行动(Y=1, W=1
和Y=0, W=0
🙅 不要打扰
- 这群人会在没有治疗的情况下执行某个行动,但在治疗后可能会结束(Y=1, W=0
和Y=0, W=1
🤦 永远不会回应
- 这群人不在乎治疗(Y=0, W=1
和Y=0, W=0
$ \tau_i = Y^1_i - Y^0_i $
是有治疗和无治疗情况下该群体预期结果的差异 - CATE(条件平均处理效应)
$ CATE = E[Y^1_i|X_i] - E[Y^0_i|X_i] $
然而,我们不能同时观察这两种情况,只能在不同的宇宙中。这就是为什么我们只能估计 C A T E ^ \widehat{CATE} CATE 像往常一样:
$ \widehat{CATE} (uplift) = E[Y_i|X_i = x, W_i = 1] - E[Y_i|X_i = x, W_i = 0] $,其中 $ Y^1_i = Y_i = Y^1_i if W_i = 1$ and Y i 0 Y^0_i Yi0 where $W_i = 0 $
注意! W i W_i Wi 应该在给定 X i X_i Xi 的条件下与 Y i 1 Y^1_i Yi1 和 Y i 0 Y^0_i Yi0 独立。
- 转换问题并使用经典的机器学习模型 -
- 直接预测增益的算法。
1. 初步步骤
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import seaborn as sns
from statsmodels.graphics.gofplots import qqplot
!pip install scikit-uplift -q
from sklift.metrics import uplift_at_k, uplift_auc_score, qini_auc_score, weighted_average_uplift
from sklift.viz import plot_uplift_preds
from sklift.models import SoloModel, TwoModels
import xgboost as xgb
[33mWARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv[0m
# 读取csv文件,并将其存储在train变量中
train = pd.read_csv('../input/megafon-uplift-competition/train (1).csv')
# 查看训练数据的前几行
id | treatment_group | X_1 | X_2 | X_3 | X_4 | X_5 | X_6 | X_7 | X_8 | ... | X_42 | X_43 | X_44 | X_45 | X_46 | X_47 | X_48 | X_49 | X_50 | conversion | |
0 | 0 | control | 39.396577 | -0.186548 | 19.524505 | 21.250208 | 55.291264 | 182.966712 | -5.385606 | 144.573379 | ... | 134.363458 | -213.584582 | -2.092461 | -93.973258 | -0.155597 | -312.130733 | 44.798182 | -125.682413 | 16.231365 | 0 |
1 | 1 | control | 38.987694 | 0.819522 | -42.064512 | -48.270949 | -33.171257 | 179.459341 | -87.151810 | -162.693257 | ... | 72.864779 | 559.783584 | 1.142391 | 80.037124 | -1.216185 | -111.473936 | -127.737977 | -117.501171 | 10.732234 | 0 |
2 | 2 | treatment | -16.693093 | 1.844558 | -8.615192 | -18.818740 | -22.271188 | -116.290369 | -63.816746 | -38.340763 | ... | 2.480242 | 96.998504 | 1.100962 | -33.275159 | 0.920926 | -679.492242 | -91.009397 | -18.173358 | 14.367636 | 0 |
3 | 3 | treatment | -72.040154 | -0.226921 | 39.802607 | 16.441262 | -1.112509 | 68.128008 | 23.073147 | 4.688858 | ... | 83.951551 | -323.642557 | -0.369182 | 93.221948 | -1.962380 | -442.466684 | -22.298302 | -75.916603 | 11.634299 | 0 |
4 | 4 | treatment | 18.296973 | 0.996437 | 24.465307 | -34.151971 | 24.623458 | -155.455558 | -12.159787 | 26.705778 | ... | -208.531112 | 118.902324 | -0.808578 | -117.497906 | 1.770635 | 627.395611 | 122.019189 | 194.091195 | -11.883858 | 0 |
5 rows × 53 columns
# 对训练数据集进行信息描述
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 600000 entries, 0 to 599999
Data columns (total 53 columns):# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 600000 non-null int64 1 treatment_group 600000 non-null object 2 X_1 600000 non-null float643 X_2 600000 non-null float644 X_3 600000 non-null float645 X_4 600000 non-null float646 X_5 600000 non-null float647 X_6 600000 non-null float648 X_7 600000 non-null float649 X_8 600000 non-null float6410 X_9 600000 non-null float6411 X_10 600000 non-null float6412 X_11 600000 non-null float6413 X_12 600000 non-null float6414 X_13 600000 non-null float6415 X_14 600000 non-null float6416 X_15 600000 non-null float6417 X_16 600000 non-null float6418 X_17 600000 non-null float6419 X_18 600000 non-null float6420 X_19 600000 non-null float6421 X_20 600000 non-null float6422 X_21 600000 non-null float6423 X_22 600000 non-null float6424 X_23 600000 non-null float6425 X_24 600000 non-null float6426 X_25 600000 non-null float6427 X_26 600000 non-null float6428 X_27 600000 non-null float6429 X_28 600000 non-null float6430 X_29 600000 non-null float6431 X_30 600000 non-null float6432 X_31 600000 non-null float6433 X_32 600000 non-null float6434 X_33 600000 non-null float6435 X_34 600000 non-null float6436 X_35 600000 non-null float6437 X_36 600000 non-null float6438 X_37 600000 non-null float6439 X_38 600000 non-null float6440 X_39 600000 non-null float6441 X_40 600000 non-null float6442 X_41 600000 non-null float6443 X_42 600000 non-null float6444 X_43 600000 non-null float6445 X_44 600000 non-null float6446 X_45 600000 non-null float6447 X_46 600000 non-null float6448 X_47 600000 non-null float6449 X_48 600000 non-null float6450 X_49 600000 non-null float6451 X_50 600000 non-null float6452 conversion 600000 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(50), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 242.6+ MB
# 使用describe()函数对训练数据集进行描述性统计分析
id | X_1 | X_2 | X_3 | X_4 | X_5 | X_6 | X_7 | X_8 | X_9 | ... | X_42 | X_43 | X_44 | X_45 | X_46 | X_47 | X_48 | X_49 | X_50 | conversion | |
count | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | ... | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 | 600000.000000 |
mean | 299999.500000 | -3.758503 | 0.000405 | 0.356208 | -1.004378 | 3.376919 | -6.396371 | -2.253712 | -6.432606 | -0.061507 | ... | -6.632834 | 8.454493 | 0.001296 | 0.007967 | -0.000966 | -22.259600 | -5.759041 | 6.241130 | -1.176456 | 0.204190 |
std | 173205.225094 | 54.881882 | 0.999419 | 31.804123 | 45.291429 | 53.397644 | 140.873734 | 59.810396 | 74.840857 | 44.912292 | ... | 137.025868 | 262.840194 | 1.000368 | 71.553713 | 0.999902 | 500.900364 | 130.952113 | 141.211999 | 21.363662 | 0.403109 |
min | 0.000000 | -271.659497 | -4.372119 | -148.870768 | -244.446728 | -302.574049 | -683.126343 | -322.731683 | -506.202937 | -218.466369 | ... | -633.575178 | -1345.838757 | -4.756720 | -360.713742 | -4.516004 | -2506.960013 | -687.526201 | -702.184241 | -98.094323 | 0.000000 |
25% | 149999.750000 | -40.693313 | -0.673108 | -20.758308 | -30.644608 | -31.865404 | -100.762161 | -42.313674 | -54.840796 | -30.327330 | ... | -99.033996 | -167.634846 | -0.673780 | -48.250836 | -0.675549 | -357.547278 | -93.163915 | -88.803657 | -15.580688 | 0.000000 |
50% | 299999.500000 | -3.954771 | 0.000915 | 0.372583 | -0.585368 | 3.720738 | -6.357443 | -2.263690 | -6.416419 | -0.103742 | ... | -6.784760 | 8.773280 | 0.001639 | 0.045537 | -0.002251 | -20.695017 | -5.774627 | 6.286783 | -1.199895 | 0.000000 |
75% | 449999.250000 | 33.174835 | 0.673056 | 21.495530 | 29.027860 | 38.988940 | 88.159514 | 37.709780 | 41.962767 | 30.144501 | ... | 85.621324 | 185.382370 | 0.675779 | 48.221733 | 0.673638 | 313.295748 | 81.636824 | 101.558007 | 13.230410 | 0.000000 |
max | 599999.000000 | 250.812280 | 5.062006 | 170.053291 | 235.095937 | 284.915947 | 656.482242 | 293.909622 | 550.525780 | 219.628423 | ... | 689.626208 | 1488.759454 | 4.727996 | 384.665348 | 5.086304 | 2534.503855 | 595.321844 | 630.727101 | 112.233293 | 1.000000 |
8 rows × 52 columns
# 给代码添加中文注释# 设置行数和列数
rows, cols = 10, 5# 创建一个包含多个子图的图形对象,并设置图形的大小
f, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(20, 25))# 设置图形的背景颜色为白色
f.set_facecolor("#fff")# 设置特征数量为1
n_feat = 1# 遍历每一行
for row in tqdm(range(rows)):# 遍历每一列for col in range(cols):try:# 绘制核密度估计图,并设置填充、透明度、线宽、边缘颜色等参数sns.kdeplot(x=f'X_{n_feat}', fill=True, alpha=1, linewidth=3, edgecolor="#264653", data=train, ax=axs[row, col], color='w')# 设置子图的背景颜色为深绿色,并设置透明度axs[row, col].patch.set_facecolor("#619b8a")axs[row, col].patch.set_alpha(0.8)# 设置子图的网格颜色和透明度axs[row, col].grid(color="#264653", alpha=1, axis="both")except IndexError: # 隐藏最后一个空图axs[row, col].set_visible(False)# 特征数量加1n_feat += 1# 显示图形
0%| | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
# 设置子图的行数和列数
rows, cols = 10, 5# 创建一个包含子图的图像对象
f, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, figsize=(20, 25))# 设置图像的背景颜色为白色
f.set_facecolor("#fff")# 设置特征数量为1
n_feat = 1# 遍历每一行
for row in tqdm(range(rows)):# 遍历每一列for col in range(cols):try:# 绘制核密度估计图# sns.kdeplot(x=f'X_{n_feat}', fill=True, alpha=1, linewidth=3, # edgecolor="#264653", data=train, ax=axs[row, col], color='w')# 绘制QQ图qqplot(train[f'X_{n_feat}'], ax=axs[row, col], line='q')# 设置网格线的颜色为深绿色axs[row, col].grid(color="#264653", alpha=1, axis="both")# 如果索引超出范围,则隐藏最后一个空图except IndexError:axs[row, col].set_visible(False)# 特征数量加1n_feat += 1# 显示图像
0%| | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
2. 指标
1. Uplift@k
U p l i f t @ k = m e a n ( Y t r e a t m e n t @ k ) − m e a n ( Y c o n t r o l @ k ) Uplift@k = mean(Y^{treatment}@k) - mean(Y^{control}@k) Uplift@k=mean(Ytreatment@k)−mean(Ycontrol@k)
Y @ k Y@k Y@k - 前k%的目标变量
2. 按百分位数(十分位数)计算Uplift
加权平均Uplift$ = \frac{N^T_i * uplift_i}{\sum{N^T_i}} $
N i T N^T_i NiT - i百分位数中治疗组的大小
3. Uplift曲线和AUUC
uplift curve i = ( Y t T N t T − Y t C N t C ) ( N t T + N t C ) \text{uplift curve}_i = (\frac{Y^T_t}{N^T_t}-\frac{Y^C_t}{N^C_t}) (N^T_t + N^C_t) uplift curvei=(NtTYtT−NtCYtC)(NtT+NtC)
其中 t − 累积对象数量 , N − T和C组的大小 \text{其中 } t - \text{累积对象数量}, N - \text{T和C组的大小} 其中 t−累积对象数量,N−T和C组的大小
AUUC - Unplift曲线下的面积是随机Uplift曲线和模型曲线之间的面积,通过理想Uplift曲线下的面积进行归一化
4. Qini曲线和AUQC
qini curve i = Y t T − Y t C N t T N t C \text{qini curve}_i = Y^T_t-\frac{Y^C_tN^T_t}{N^C_t} qini curvei=YtT−NtCYtCNtT
AUQC或Qini系数 - Qini曲线下的面积是随机Qini曲线和模型曲线之间的面积,通过理想Qini曲线下的面积进行归一化
Index(['id', 'treatment_group', 'X_1', 'X_2', 'X_3', 'X_4', 'X_5', 'X_6','X_7', 'X_8', 'X_9', 'X_10', 'X_11', 'X_12', 'X_13', 'X_14', 'X_15','X_16', 'X_17', 'X_18', 'X_19', 'X_20', 'X_21', 'X_22', 'X_23', 'X_24','X_25', 'X_26', 'X_27', 'X_28', 'X_29', 'X_30', 'X_31', 'X_32', 'X_33','X_34', 'X_35', 'X_36', 'X_37', 'X_38', 'X_39', 'X_40', 'X_41', 'X_42','X_43', 'X_44', 'X_45', 'X_46', 'X_47', 'X_48', 'X_49', 'X_50','conversion'],dtype='object')
# 获取'treatment_group'列的唯一值
array(['control', 'treatment'], dtype=object)
# 将'treatment_group'列中的值转换为0或1,如果值为'treatment'则转换为1,否则转换为0
train['treatment_group'] = train['treatment_group'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x=='treatment' else 0)
# 从sklearn库中导入train_test_split函数
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split# 将train数据集的前100000行赋值给train变量
train = train[:100000]# 从train数据集中选取名为'X_i'的特征列,其中i的取值范围为1到50,并将结果赋值给X变量
X = train[[f'X_{i}' for i in range(1, 51)]]# 从train数据集中选取名为'treatment_group'的特征列,并将结果赋值给treatment变量
treatment = train['treatment_group']# 从train数据集中选取名为'conversion'的特征列,并将结果赋值给y变量
y = train['conversion']# 使用train_test_split函数将X、y和treatment按照指定的比例划分为训练集和验证集,并将划分结果分别赋值给X_train、X_val、y_train、y_val、treatment_train和treatment_val变量
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val, treatment_train, treatment_val = train_test_split(X, y, treatment, test_size=0.2)
3. 元学习者
3.1 S-Learner
3.1 S-学习者
# 定义一个函数get_metrics,接受三个参数y_val, uplift, treatment_val
def get_metrics(y_val, uplift, treatment_val):# 计算指标# 计算前30%的提升值。按照组别排序控制组和处理组。整体排序。upliftk = uplift_at_k(y_true=y_val, uplift=uplift, treatment=treatment_val, strategy='by_group', k=0.3)upliftk_all = uplift_at_k(y_true=y_val, uplift=uplift, treatment=treatment_val, strategy='overall', k=0.3)# 计算Qini系数qini_coef = qini_auc_score(y_true=y_val, uplift=uplift, treatment=treatment_val)# 默认策略 - 整体排序# 计算提升曲线下面积uplift_auc = uplift_auc_score(y_true=y_val, uplift=uplift, treatment=treatment_val)# 计算加权平均提升值wau = weighted_average_uplift(y_true=y_val, uplift=uplift, treatment=treatment_val, strategy='by_group')wau_all = weighted_average_uplift(y_true=y_val, uplift=uplift, treatment=treatment_val)# 打印结果print(f'uplift at top 30% by group: {upliftk:.2f} by overall: {upliftk_all:.2f}\n',f'Weighted average uplift by group: {wau:.2f} by overall: {wau_all:.2f}\n',f'AUUC by group: {uplift_auc:.2f}\n',f'AUQC by group: {qini_coef:.2f}\n')# 返回一个包含指标结果的字典return {'uplift@30': upliftk, 'uplift@30_all': upliftk_all, 'AUQC': qini_coef, 'AUUC': uplift_auc, 'WAU': wau, 'WAU_all': wau_all}
# 创建一个XGBoost分类器模型,设置随机种子为42,目标函数为二元逻辑回归,禁用标签编码
xgb_sm = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)# 创建一个SoloModel对象,使用上面创建的XGBoost分类器模型作为估计器
sm = SoloModel(estimator=xgb_sm)# 使用训练数据集X_train、y_train和treatment_train来拟合SoloModel模型
sm = sm.fit(X_train, y_train, treatment_train, estimator_fit_params={})# 使用拟合好的SoloModel模型对验证数据集X_val进行预测
uplift_sm = sm.predict(X_val)# 使用get_metrics函数计算验证数据集的评估指标,包括y_val、uplift_sm和treatment_val
res = get_metrics(y_val, uplift_sm, treatment_val)
[12:14:57] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
uplift at top 30% by group: 0.18 by overall: 0.18Weighted average uplift by group: 0.04 by overall: 0.04AUUC by group: 0.15AUQC by group: 0.21
3.2 T-Learner
3.2 T学习器
# 初始化两个xgboost分类器,分别用于处理treatment组和control组
xgb_T = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)
xgb_C = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)# 初始化TwoModels类,将treatment组和control组的分类器传入
sm = TwoModels(estimator_trmnt=xgb_T, estimator_ctrl=xgb_C)# 使用训练数据拟合模型
sm = sm.fit(X_train, y_train, treatment_train, estimator_trmnt_fit_params={}, estimator_ctrl_fit_params={})# 对验证集进行预测
uplift_sm = sm.predict(X_val)# 计算模型的评估指标
res = get_metrics(y_val, uplift_sm, treatment_val)
[12:15:47] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
[12:16:11] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
uplift at top 30% by group: 0.17 by overall: 0.17Weighted average uplift by group: 0.04 by overall: 0.04AUUC by group: 0.13AUQC by group: 0.18
3.3 T-Learner依赖模型
- u p l i f t i = P T ( x i , P C ( X ) ) − P C ( x i ) uplift_i = P^T(x_i, P^C(X)) - P^C(x_i) uplifti=PT(xi,PC(X))−PC(xi)
- u p l i f t i = P T ( x i ) − P C ( x i , P T ( x i ) ) uplift_i = P^T(x_i) - P^C(x_i, P^T(x_i)) uplifti=PT(xi)−PC(xi,PT(xi))
# 创建两个XGBClassifier对象,分别作为treatment模型和control模型
xgb_T = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)
xgb_C = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)# 创建TwoModels对象,将treatment模型和control模型传入,并指定方法为'ddr_control'
sm = TwoModels(estimator_trmnt=xgb_T, estimator_ctrl=xgb_C, method='ddr_control')# 使用训练数据拟合TwoModels对象
sm = sm.fit(X_train, y_train, treatment_train, estimator_trmnt_fit_params={}, estimator_ctrl_fit_params={})# 使用拟合好的TwoModels对象对验证数据进行预测
uplift_sm = sm.predict(X_val)# 使用预测结果和验证数据计算评估指标
res = get_metrics(y_val, uplift_sm, treatment_val)
[12:16:37] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
[12:17:02] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
uplift at top 30% by group: 0.17 by overall: 0.17Weighted average uplift by group: 0.04 by overall: 0.04AUUC by group: 0.12AUQC by group: 0.18
# 创建两个XGBoost分类器,用于处理treatment组和control组
xgb_T = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)
xgb_C = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic', use_label_encoder=False)# 创建TwoModels对象,使用xgb_T和xgb_C作为估计器,并选择ddr_treatment方法
sm = TwoModels(estimator_trmnt=xgb_T, estimator_ctrl=xgb_C, method='ddr_treatment')# 使用训练数据拟合TwoModels对象
sm = sm.fit(X_train, y_train, treatment_train, estimator_trmnt_fit_params={}, estimator_ctrl_fit_params={})# 对验证数据进行预测
uplift_sm = sm.predict(X_val)# 计算模型的评估指标
res = get_metrics(y_val, uplift_sm, treatment_val)
[12:17:27] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
[12:17:51] WARNING: ../src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'binary:logistic' was changed from 'error' to 'logloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
uplift at top 30% by group: 0.17 by overall: 0.17Weighted average uplift by group: 0.04 by overall: 0.04AUUC by group: 0.13AUQC by group: 0.19