
Once a week we round up some of the reader questions we’ve answered and share them with everyone; this week we’re taking a look at setting up file transfer drop zones, installing XBMC on the iPad, and setting up a console emulator.
每周一次,我们汇总一些已回答的读者问题,并与所有人分享。 本周,我们将研究设置文件传输拖放区,在iPad上安装XBMC以及设置控制台模拟器。
如何在计算机上设置简单的拖放文件区域? (How Can I Setup Simple Drag and Drop File Zones On My Computer?)

Dear How-To Geek,
亲爱的How-To Geek,
I have widescreen monitor and in the space allocated to for the widget sidebar, I’d like to have set up some of that space to serve as a file drop zone of sorts. Essentially, Id’ like to be able to drag files to a widget or the like and have those files go to designated folders on my computer and home network. Is this possible? I’m running Windows 7.
我有宽屏监视器,在为小部件侧栏分配的空间中,我想设置一些空间以用作各种文件放置区。 本质上,Id'希望能够将文件拖动到小部件等中,并将那些文件放入我的计算机和家庭网络上的指定文件夹中。 这可能吗? 我正在运行Windows 7。
Drag and Drop Hoping
Dear Drag and Drop,
We’ve previously reviewed an app called Drop Zone that does what you’re asking. You could easily make one (or several) drop zones and place them in the sidebar space without any problems. You can even specify the type of drop zones and whether or not they will automatically move or copy the files. That said, we’re very interested to see if your fellow readers have used similar apps! If you’re a reader that uses an app that fits Drag and Drop’s needs, sound off in the comments.
我们之前曾审查过一个名为Drop Zone的应用程序,它可以满足您的要求。 您可以轻松地创建一个(或几个)放置区并将它们放置在侧边栏空间中,而不会出现任何问题。 您甚至可以指定放置区的类型以及它们是否将自动移动或复制文件。 也就是说,我们非常有兴趣了解您的其他读者是否使用过类似的应用程序! 如果您是使用适合拖放需求的应用程序的读者,请在注释中取消提示。
如何在iPad上安装XBMC? (How Do I Install XBMC On the iPad?)

Dear How-To Geek,
亲爱的How-To Geek,
I have XBMC on my computer and I saw that it’s available for the iPad. The only problem is I can find it anywhere in the App Store? What gives? How could such a popular application not show up? All I find are Wi-Fi remotes for controlling an XBMC installation. It’s frustrating!
我的计算机上装有XBMC,我发现它可用于iPad。 唯一的问题是我可以在App Store的任何位置找到它? 是什么赋予了? 如此受欢迎的应用程序如何无法显示? 我发现的都是用于控制XBMC安装的Wi-Fi遥控器。 真令人沮丧!
XBMC Cravin’
XBMC Cravin'
Dear XBMC Cravin’,
尊敬的XBMC Cravin',
You’re not losing your mind, XBMC for iOS is not in the App Store. The application was rejected for inclusion and is only available via the XBMC iOS repository. This means you’ll need to jailbreak your iPad to gain access to XBMC for iOS—which is totally worth the effort by the way, we have XBMC installed on our iPads and love it. You’ll need to flex a little Google-Fu muscle to dig up a jailbreak guide for your specific iOS device and iOS version, but once you’re jailbroken we have a full step-by-step guide here.
您不会忘记,iOS的XBMC不在App Store中。 该应用程序被拒绝包含,只能通过XBMC iOS存储库使用。 这意味着您需要越狱iPad才能访问iOS的XBMC-顺便说一句,这完全是值得的,我们在iPad上安装了XBMC并喜欢它。 您需要花点儿Google-Fu的力量来为您的特定iOS设备和iOS版本挖掘越狱指南,但是一旦越狱了,我们在这里会提供完整的分步指南 。
如何加载游戏ROM? (How Do I Load Game ROMs?)

Dear How-To Geek,
亲爱的How-To Geek,
I have a Windows 7 computer, I have some classic game ROM files, and I have… not a whole lot of gaming going on. I’m unclear on the steps necessary to get from having the ROMs to playing the ROMs. Help? :(
我有一台Windows 7计算机,我有一些经典的游戏ROM文件,而且我没有……正在玩很多游戏。 我不清楚从拥有ROM到播放ROM所需的步骤。 救命? :(
Wanna Game Old School
Dear Wanna Game,
For the sake of clarity, a game ROM is simply a digtal copy of the contents of a game cartridge. If you have a ROM for The Legend of Super Smacky Ball IV, then the ROM file is just whatever was on the ROM chip in the game cartridge. You still need something to function as the console itself. This is where game emulators come in, they emulate the hardware of the console you wish to use. To that end, we recommend checking out our guide to console emulators here. It covers several retro consoles and handheld game systems and, at minimum, will give you a better understanding of how the whole emulation process works.
为了清楚起见,游戏ROM只是游戏卡带内容的数字副本。 如果您有ROM的超级Smacky球的传奇,那么ROM文件就是游戏卡带ROM芯片中的文件。 您仍然需要一些东西来充当控制台本身。 这是游戏模拟器进入的地方,它们模拟您希望使用的控制台的硬件。 为此,我们建议您在此处查阅控制台模拟器指南 。 它涵盖了多个复古控制台和掌上游戏系统,并且至少可以使您更好地了解整个仿真过程的工作方式。
Have a pressing tech question? Email us at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it!
有紧迫的技术问题吗? 给我们发电子邮件到ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将竭尽所能!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/109115/ask-how-to-geek-setting-up-file-transfer-drop-zones-xbmc-on-the-ipad-and-enjoying-retro-gaming-with-console-emulators/