1. PYNQ-Z2 如图:先学习10分钟轻松上手PYNQ (http://www.digilent.com.cn/studyinfo/67.html)这个是z1的不过都能学习,大致差不多。
PYNQ-Z2 映像文件img 写入SDcard,http://www.pynq.io/board 可以找到img
通过 PYNQ,用户可以使用 Python 进行 APSoC 编程,并且代码可直接在 PYNQ-Z2 上进行开发和测试。通过 PYNQ,可编程逻辑电路将作为硬件库导入并通过其 API 进行编程,其方式与导入和编程软件库基本相同。
- Set the ** Boot** jumper to the SD position. (This sets the board to boot from the Micro-SD card) -- 上图中标1的地方注意跳帽是蓝色位置 jp1
- To power the board from the micro USB cable, set the Power jumper to the USB position. (You can also power the board from an external 12V power regulator by setting the jumper to REG.)-- 上图中标2的地方注意跳帽是蓝色位置
- Insert the Micro SD card loaded with the PYNQ-Z2 image into the Micro SD card slot underneath the board--标3的地方
- Connect the USB cable to your PC/Laptop, and to the PROG - UART MicroUSB port on the board--注意是标6的地方
- Connect the Ethernet port by following the instructions below--标5的地方
- Turn on the PYNQ-Z2 and check the boot sequence by following the instructions below--标6地方开关拨到on
- Assign your computer a static IP address
- Connect the board to your computer’s Ethernet port
- Browse to
Once your board is setup, to connect to Jupyter Notebooks open a web browser and navigate to:
- If your board is connected to a computer via a static IP address
If your board is configured correctly you will be presented with a login screen. The username is xilinx and the password is also xilinx.

PYNQ 开源项目作品:
01 「基于PYNQ的Launchpad」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/145.html)
02 「基于PYNQ智能识别计算器」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/138.html)
03 「基于PYNQ的双目视觉系统」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/140.html)
04 「基于PYNQ的智能便携运输轮」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/158.html)
05 「基于PYNQ的心电监测与分析装置」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/161.html)
06 「基于PYNQ与BNN深度学习的复杂环境探测机器人」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/164.html)
07 「基于PYNQ的手势识别手套」(http://www.digilent.com.cn/project/details/166.html)