

  • 2020美赛F奖论文(一):摘要、绪论和模型准备
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(二):传球网络模型(PNM)的建立和影响因子分析
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(三):足球团队指标和基于机器学习的球队表现预测
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(四):模拟退火算法驱动的结构策略设计
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(五):结合团队动力学的模型拓展、模型评价

Soccer Teamwork Evaluation Models


  • 2020MCM-ICM ProblemD
  • Finalist 方案

2020年美国大学生数学建模竞赛ICM-D题 特等奖提名




  • This paper proposes a method, with graph theory, probability theory and calculus, to build machine learning models based on data analysis, which aims at providing strategies for soccer coach’s lineup arrangement and players’ training.


  • Firstly, the Pass Network Model can be established according to the graph theory, whose edge-weights are evaluation of coordination degree of each dyadic configurations. Pass Evaluate Index is designed for evaluate a single pass, and the summation of each pass can be defined as the edge-weights of PNM. For analysis, the adjacency matrix of N participating players within a period. Several outstanding M configurations can be found by the sort of M-element combination with the key of the sum of the sub-complete graph edge weights. What’s more, investigation of the influence of time on pass density depends on the constructed and approximate function of time and pass.


  • Secondly, performance indicators that reflect successful teamwork can be divided into dynamic indicators and static indicators. Static indicators include player position arrangement and line-up with which player season heatmap models and player position models can be established while the dynamic indicators include opponents’ strength, side, coach, passes, defense, attack and fail. etc. After visualized analysis of the correlation between the dynamic indicators extracted after data cleaning, and with the setting label by the goal difference, the random forest classifier, a machine learning model, is used as a evaluation model of dynamic indicators. After the Grid Search used for tuning parameters, and cross-validation, the accuracy of the model achieving 80% approximately.

Secondly,我们将反映成功团队合作的绩效指标划分为静态指标和动态指标。静态指标包括球员位置安排和球队阵型(line-up),我们建立球员赛季热点模型和球员分布模型。动态指标包括opponents,side,coach,passes,defence,attack and fail等。对经过数据清洗动态指标之间通过可视化进行相关性分析后,以净胜球分类作为比赛样本标签,以随机森林分类器作为机器学习的模型,用网格搜索调优参数,建立动态指标评价模型,进行交叉验证,达到了80%的准确率。

  • Thirdly, the study focuses on the role of static indicators in the performance of the team and establishes different players’ value evaluation models in different positions which comprehensively consider the player’s positions and technical statistical data evaluation. To optimize the value of 11-person permutation, we choose simulated annealing (SA) algorithm which searches the global optimal solution in cousin points in the same minimized search tree after the local optimal solution has attained. The model finally gave the best starting lineup formation. In addition, we also consider the following three secondary factors: tacit understanding between players, home and away influence, and coaching arrangements. All analysis above can be concluded as comprehensive suggestion to the coach.


  • Finally, we use the case of the Huskies to explain group dynamics. And use the conclusions obtained by the Huskies to build a model to explain how to design a more effective team and supplement the team performance indicators.


Key words: Network; Graph theory; Calculus; Machine learning; Random forest classifier; Simulated annealing; Heat map; Group dynamics

0 Content

1 Introduction 3

  • 1.1 Background 3
  • 1.2 Problem Restatement 3

2 Preparation of the Models 3

  • 2.1 Processing Tools 3
  • 2.2 Data Cleaning 4

3 Establishment of PNM and Analysis of Influence Factors 4

  • 3.1 Pass Evaluation Index (PEI) 4
  • 3.2 Pass Network Model (PNM) and Recognition of Network Pattern 6
  • 3.3 Fluctuation of Passing State at The Time 6

4 Soccer Team Indexes and Performance Prediction Based on ML 7

  • 4.1 Static Index (SI) 8
  • 4.2 Dynamic Index (DI) 9
    • 4.2.1 Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering 9
    • 4.2.2 Visualization Analysis 9
  • 4.2.3 RFC Establishment, Optimization, and Training 12

5 Design of Structural Strategies Driven by SA 13

  • 5.1 Position Evaluation Engineering (PEE) 13
  • 5.2 Optimization of Permutation and Combination Based on SA Algorithm 14
  • 5.3 Other Structural Strategy Factors 15
  • 5.4 Structural Strategy Conclusion 16

6 Model Extension Combined with Group Dynamics 16

  • 6.1 Group and Soccer Team 17
    • 6.1.1 Group Cohesiveness 17
    • 6.1.2 Group Standard and Group Pressure 17
    • 6.1.3 Individual Motivation and Group Goals 17
    • 6.1.4 Leadership and Group Performance 18
    • 6.1.5 Group Structure 18
  • 6.2 Other influence factor of successful teamwork 18

7 Evaluation 18

  • 7.1 Strength 18
  • 7.2 Weakness 19

8 Reference 19

0 目录

1 绪论 3

  • 1.1 背景 3
  • 1.2 问题重述 3

2 模型准备 3

  • 2.1 预处理工具 3
  • 2.2 数据清洗 4

3 传球网络模型(PNM)的建立和影响因子分析 4

  • 3.1 传球评价指标 (PEI) 4
  • 3.2 传球网络模型(PNM)构建及识别网络模式 6
  • 3.3 时间尺度上传球状态波动 6

4 足球团队指标和基于机器学习的球队表现预测 7

  • 4.1 静态指标 (SI) 8
  • 4.2 动态指标 (DI) 9
    • 4.2.1 数据清洗和特征工程 9
    • 4.2.2 可视化分析 9
  • 4.2.3 随机森立分类器模型的建立、参数调优和训练 12

5 模拟退火算法驱动的结构策略设计 13

  • 5.1 位置评价工程(PEE) 13
  • 5.2 基于SA算法优化排列组合 14
  • 5.3 其他结构策略因素 15
  • 5.4 结构性策略总结 16

6 结合团队动力学的模型拓展 16

  • 6.1 团体动力学和足球队 17
    • 6.1.1 群体内聚力 17
    • 6.1.2 群体标准和群体压力 17
    • 6.1.3 个人动机和群体目标 17
    • 6.1.4 领导与群体性能 18
    • 6.1.5 群体的结构性 18
  • 6.2 成功团队合作其他影响因素 18

7 评价 18

  • 7.1 优势 18
  • 7.2 缺陷 19

8 参考文献 19

1 绪论 Introduction

1.1 背景 Background

Football has a long history. It has been loved all over the world since it was popularized. Football can be considered as the most popular sports in the world. Football, a seemingly simple sport, contains the secrets of individual ability and team cooperation. With the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, football players and coaches continue to improve in skills, showing the audience wonderful matches. As we all know, a wonderful football match is inseparable from the contributions of players and teams. By studying the actions of everyone in the team, coordinating the team relationship, reasonably arranging the minutes and line-up, we can score best.

1.2 问题重述 Problem Restatement

Football is a sport suitable for all ages. Since its inclusion in international tournaments, people have created a variety of methods to evaluate the team dynamics throughout the match and over the entire season to help determine specific strategies that can improve teamwork next season. We need to use the data provided by the ICM team to build a model to solve the following four problems.


  1. Consider each player as a node and create a passing network to identify dyadic, triadic and multiple configurations. We need to establish a value evaluation model of a single pass and a general evaluation model of the passing of the time structure index under the passing network.
  2. To Identify performance indicators that reflect successful teamwork, we need to consider static and dynamic indicators. Establish a model of the impact of each performance indicator on successful teamwork, and use one model to encompass these four sub-models.
  3. By observing and analyzing the model established in Questions 1 and 2, tell the coach that which form of structural strategy is applicable to the Huskies. Using the results of the model analysis to make suggestions for the coach to improve the team’s success rate next season.
  4. Use the case of the Huskies to explain the theory of group dynamics, and use the conclusion of the model established by the Huskies to explain how to design a more effective team, and supplement the team performance indicators.
  1. 将每一个球员当做一个节点,创建传球网络来识别二元配置,三元配置和 多元配置。我们需要建立在传球网络下,单次传球的价值评价模型,以及时间结构指标的传球总数评价模型。
  2. 确定反映成功团队合作的绩效指标,我们需要考虑静态指标和动态指标。建立每个绩效指标对成功团队合作影响的模型,并用一个模型来囊括这四个子模型。
  3. 通过对问题1,2中建立的模型的观察分析,告诉教练什么样的结构策略适用于哈士奇球队。用模型分析的结果为教练提高球队的下个赛季的成功率给出建议。
  4. 用哈士奇球队的案例来解释群体动力学理论,用哈士奇球队建立模型得到的结论来说明如何设计更有效的团队,并对团队绩效指标进行补充。

2 模型准备 Preparation of the Models

2.1 预处理工具 Processing Tools

Visual Studio Code 1.42Coding, Visualization
IPython 3.6.8Run Code
VisioDesign Flowchart
ExcelArrange Dataset
GitHubSynchronization, Storing
MindMasterPlot Mind Map

2.2 数据清洗 Data Cleaning


Data NameProcessing TypeFeature Name
SideMap + DummySide_1, Side_0
CoachDummyCoach_1, Coach_2, Coach_3
Opponent StrengthAnalysisOppo
Aerial Won
PossessionSearch + Integrate
Pass SuccessCalculate
Loss of PossessionSearch + Count


  • 2020美赛F奖论文(一):摘要、绪论和模型准备
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(二):传球网络模型(PNM)的建立和影响因子分析
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(三):足球团队指标和基于机器学习的球队表现预测
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(四):模拟退火算法驱动的结构策略设计
  • 2020美赛F奖论文(五):结合团队动力学的模型拓展、模型评价





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