

    • 18.操作系统
      • 问题引出——
      • 批处理
      • 设备驱动程序
      • 多任务处理
      • 虚拟内存
      • 内存保护
      • Unix




Computers in the 1940s and early 50s ran one program at a time.
1940,1950 年代的电脑,每次只能运行一个程序

A programmer would write one at their desk, for example, on punch cards.

Then, they’d carry it to a room containing a room-sized computer,
然后拿到一个计算机房间, 交给操作员

and hand it to a dedicated computer operator.
That person would then feed the program into the computer when it was next available.

The computer would run it, spit out some output, and halt.

This very manual process worked OK back when computers were slow,

and running a program often took hours, days or even weeks.

But, as we discussed last episode,

computers became faster… and faster… and faster

exponentially so!

Pretty soon, having humans run around and inserting programs into readers
很快,放程序的时间 比程序运行时间还长


was taking longer than running the actual programs themselves.
We needed a way for computers to operate themselves,
我们需要一种方式 让计算机自动运作

and so, operating systems were born.

Operating systems , or OS for short, are just programs.
操作系统,简称 OS,其实也是程序

But, special privileges on the hardware let them run and manage other programs.
但它有操作硬件的特殊权限 \N 可以运行和管理其它程序

They’re typically the first one to start when a computer is turned on,

and all subsequent programs are launched by the OS.
其他所有程序 都由操作系统启动

They got their start in the 1950s,
操作系统开始于 1950 年代 \N 那时计算机开始变得更强大更流行


as computers became more widespread and more powerful.
The very first OS augmented the mundane, manual task of loading programs by hand.
第一个操作系统 加强了程序加载方式

Instead of being given one program at a time,
computers could be given batches.

When the computer was done with one,
it would automatically and near-instantly start the next.
There was no downtime while someone scurried around an office to find the next program to run.

This was called batch processing .
这叫 批处理


While computers got faster, they also got cheaper.

So, they were popping up all over the world,
especially in universities and government offices.

Soon, people started sharing software.

But there was a problem
In the era of one-off computers, like the Harvard Mark 1 or ENIAC,
在哈佛1号和 ENIAC 那个时代,计算都是一次性的

programmers only had to write code for that one single machine.

The processor, punch card readers, and printers were known and unchanging.

But as computers became more widespread,

their configurations were not always identical,
like computers might have the same CPU, but not the same printer.
比如计算机可能有相同 CPU,但不同的打印机

This was a huge pain for programmers.

Not only did they have to worry about writing their program,

but also how to interface with each and every model of printer,
and all devices connected to a computer, what are called peripherals.

Interfacing with early peripherals was very low level,

requiring programmers to know intimate hardware details about each device.

On top of that, programmers rarely had access to every model of a peripheral to test their code on.

So, they had to write code as best they could, often just by reading manuals,

and hope it worked when shared.

Things weren’t exactly plug-and-play

back then more plug-and-pray.

This was clearly terrible,

so to make it easier for programmers,

Operating Systems stepped in as intermediaries between software programs and hardware peripherals.

More specifically, they provided a software abstraction, through APIs,
更具体地说,操作系统提供 API 来抽象硬件,叫"设备驱动程序"

called device drivers .
These allow programmers to talk to common input and output hardware,
程序员可以用标准化机制 和输入输出硬件(I/O)交互

or I/O for short, using standardized mechanisms.

For example, programmers could call a function like “print highscore”,
比如,程序员只需调用 print(highscore)

and the OS would do the heavy lifting to get it onto paper.
操作系统会处理 输到纸上的具体细节


By the end of the 1950s, computers had gotten so fast,
到 1950 年代尾声,电脑已经非常快了

they were often idle waiting for slow mechanical things, like printers and punch card readers.

While programs were blocked on I/O,
程序阻塞在 I/O 上

the expensive processor was just chillin’… not like a villain

you know, just relaxing.
In the late 50’s, the University of Manchester, in the UK,
50年代后期,英国曼彻斯特大学 \N 开始研发世界上第一台超级计算机,Atlas

started work on a supercomputer called Atlas, one of the first in the world.
They knew it was going to be wicked fast,

so they needed a way to make maximal use of the expensive machine.

Their solution was a program called the Atlas Supervisor, finished in 1962.
他们的解决方案是一个程序叫 Atlas Supervisor \N 于1962年完成

This operating system not only loaded programs automatically, like earlier batch systems,
这个操作系统 \N不仅像更早期的批处理系统那样,能自动加载程序

but could also run several at the same time on its single CPU.
还能在单个 CPU 上同时运行几个程序

It did this through clever scheduling.

Let’s say we have a game program running on Atlas,
假设 Atlas 上有一个游戏在运行

and we call the function “print(highscore)”
并且我们调用一个函数 print(highscore)

which instructs Atlas to print the value of a variable named “highscore”
它让 Atlas 打印一个叫 highscore 的变量值

onto paper to show our friends that we’re the ultimate champion of virtual tiddlywinks.
让朋友知道 我是最高分冠军

That function call is going to take a while, the equivalent of thousands of clock cycles,
print 函数运行需要一点时间,大概上千个时钟周期

because mechanical printers are slow in comparison to electronic CPUs.
但因为打印机比 CPU 慢,与其等着它完成操作

So instead of waiting for the I/O to finish,
Atlas instead puts our program to sleep,
Atlas 会把程序休眠,运行另一个程序

then selects and runs another program that’s waiting and ready to run.
Eventually, the printer will report back to Atlas that it finished printing the value of “highscore”.
最终, 打印机会告诉 Atlas, 打印已完成

Atlas then marks our program as ready to go,
Atlas 会把程序标记成可继续运行

and at some point, it will be scheduled to run again on the CPU,
之后在某时刻会安排给 CPU 运行

and continue onto the next line of code following the print statement.
并继续 print 语句之后的下一行代码

In this way, Atlas could have one program running calculations on the CPU,
这样, Atlas 可以在 CPU 上运行一个程序

while another was printing out data,

and yet another reading in data from a punch tape.

Atlas’ engineers doubled down on this idea,
Atlas 的工程师做的还要多,配了4台纸带读取器,4台纸带打孔机

and outfitted their computer with 4 paper tape readers, 4 paper tape punches,
and up to 8 magnetic tape drives.

This allowed many programs to be in progress all at once,
使多个程序可以同时运行,在单个 CPU 上共享时间

sharing time on a single CPU.
This ability, enabled by the Operating System, is called


There’s one big catch to having many programs running simultaneously on a single computer, though.

Each one is going to need some memory,
每个程序都会占一些内存 \N 当切换到另一个程序时,我们不能丢失数据

and we can’t lose that program’s data when we switch to another program.
The solution is to allocate each program its own block of memory.
解决办法是 给每个程序分配专属内存块

So, for example, let’s say a computer has 10,000 memory locations in total.
举个例子,假设计算机一共有 10000 个内存位置

Program A might get allocated memory addresses 0 through 999,
程序 A 分配到内存地址 0 到 999

and Program B might get 1000 through 1999, and so on.
而程序 B 分配到内存地址 1000 到 1999,以此类推

If a program asks for more memory,

the operating system decides if it can grant that request,
and if so, what memory block to allocate next.

This flexibility is great, but introduces a quirk.

It means that Program A could end up being allocated non-sequential blocks of memory,
程序 A 可能会分配到非连续的内存块

in say addresses 0 through 999, and 2000 through 2999.
比如内存地址 0 到 999,以及 2000 到 2999

And this is just a simple example

  • a real program might be allocated dozens of blocks scattered all over memory.

As you might imagine,

this would get really confusing for programmers to keep track of.
Maybe there’s a long list of sales data in memory that

a program has to total up at the end of the day,
but this list is stored across a bunch of different blocks of memory.
但列表 存在一堆不连续的内存块里

To hide this complexity, Operating Systems virtualize memory locations.
为了隐藏这种复杂性,操作系统会把内存地址进行 “虚拟化”

With Virtual Memory, programs can assume their memory always starts at address 0,
这叫 “虚拟内存”,程序可以假定内存总是从地址0开始

keeping things simple and consistent.

However, the actual, physical location in computer memory
而实际物理位置 被操作系统隐藏和抽象了

is hidden and abstracted by the operating system.
而实际物理位置 被操作系统隐藏和抽象了

Just a new level of abstraction.

Let’s take our example Program B,
用程序 B 来举例 \N 它被分配了内存地址 1000 到 1999

which has been allocated a block of memory from address 1000 to 1999.
As far as Program B can tell, this appears to be a block from 0 to 999.
对程序 B 而言,它看到的地址是 0 到 999

The OS and CPU handle the virtual-to-physical memory remapping automatically.
操作系统会自动处理 \N 虚拟内存和物理内存之间的映射

So, if Program B requests memory location 42,
如果程序 B 要地址 42,实际上是物理地址 1042

it really ends up reading address 1042.
如果程序 B 要地址 42,实际上是物理地址 1042

This virtualization of memory addresses is even more useful for Program A,
这种内存地址的虚拟化 对程序 A 甚至更有用

which in our example, has been allocated two blocks of memory
在例子中,A 被分配了两块隔开的内存

that are separated from one another.
This too is invisible to Program A.
程序 A 不知道这点.

As far as it can tell, it’s been allocated a continuous block of 2000 addresses.
以 A 的视角,它有 2000 个连续地址

When Program A reads memory address 999,
当程序 A 读内存地址 999 时 \N 会刚好映射到物理内存地址 999

that does coincidentally map to physical memory address 999.
But if Program A reads the very next value in memory, at address 1000,
但如果程序 A 读下一个地址 1000

that gets mapped behind the scenes to physical memory address 2000.
会映射到物理地址 2000

This mechanism allows programs to have flexible memory sizes,
这种机制使程序的内存大小可以灵活增减 \N 叫"动态内存分配"

called dynamic memory allocation,
that appear to be continuous to them.

It simplifies everything and offers tremendous flexibility to the Operating System
它简化了一切,为操作系统同时运行多个程序 \N 提供了极大的灵活性

in running multiple programs simultaneously.
Another upside of allocating each program its own memory,
给程序分配专用的内存范围,\N 另一个好处是 这样隔离起来会更好


is that they’re better isolated from one another.
给程序分配专用的内存范围,\N 另一个好处是 这样隔离起来会更好

So, if a buggy program goes awry, and starts writing gobbledygook,

it can only trash its own memory, not that of other programs.

This feature is called Memory Protection.
这叫 “内存保护

This is also really useful in protecting against malicious software, like viruses.

For example, we generally don’t want other programs to have the ability
例如,我们不希望其他程序有能力 \N 读或改邮件程序的内存

to read or modify the memory of, let say, our email,
with that kind of access,
如果有这种权限 \N 恶意软件可能以你的名义发邮件,甚至窃取个人信息
malware could send emails on your behalf and maybe steal personal information.
Not good!

Atlas had both virtual and protected memory.
Atlas 既有"虚拟内存"也有"内存保护"

It was the first computer and OS to support these features!

By the 1970s, computers were sufficiently fast and cheap.
到 1970 年代,计算机足够快且便宜

Institutions like a university could buy a computer and let students use it.

It was not only fast enough to run several programs at once,
but also give several users simultaneous, interactive access.
This was done through a terminal,

which is a keyboard and screen that connects to a big computer,
"终端"只是键盘+屏幕,连到主计算机 \N 终端本身没有处理能力

but doesn’t contain any processing power itself.
A refrigerator-sized computer might have 50 terminals connected to it,

allowing up to 50 users.
Now operating systems had to handle not just multiple programs,

but also multiple users.
So that no one person could gobble up all of a computer’s resources,
为了确保其中一个人 不会占满计算机资源

operating systems were developed that offered time-sharing.
开发了 分时操作系统

With time-sharing each individual user was only allowed to utilize
意思是 每个用户只能用一小部分处理器,内存等

a small fraction of the computer’s processor, memory, and so on.
意思是 每个用户只能用一小部分处理器,内存等

Because computers are so fast,
因为电脑很快 \N 即使拿到 1/50 的资源也足以完成许多任务

even getting just 1/50th of its resources was enough for individuals to complete many tasks.
因为电脑很快 \N 即使拿到 1/50 的资源也足以完成许多任务

The most influential of early time-sharing Operating Systems was
早期分时操作系统中,最有影响力的是 \N Multics(多任务信息与计算系统)

Multics, or Multiplexed Information and Computing Service,
早期分时操作系统中,最有影响力的是 \N Multics(多任务信息与计算系统)

released in 1969.
于 1969 年发布


Multics was the first major operating system designed to be secure from the outset.
Multics 是第一个,从设计时就考虑到安全的操作系统

Developers didn’t want mischievous users accessing data they shouldn’t,
开发人员不希望恶意用户 访问不该访问的数据

like students attempting to access the final exam on their professor’s account.

Features like this meant Multics was really complicated for its time,
这导致 Multics 的复杂度超过当时的平均水准

using around 1 Megabit of memory, which was a lot back then!
操作系统会占大约 1 Mb 内存,这在当时很多!

That might be half of a computer’s memory, just to run the OS!

Dennis Ritchie, one of the researchers working on Multics, once said:
Multics 的研究人员之一 Dennis Ritchie 曾说过

"One of the obvious things that went wrong with Multics as a commercial success
"阻碍 Multics 获得商业成功的一个明显问题是

was just that it was sort of over-engineered in a sense.

There was just too much in it."
This lead Dennis, and another Multics researcher,
所以 Dennis 和另一个 Multics 研究员 \N Ken Thompson 联手打造新的操作系统

Ken Thompson, to strike out on their own and build a new, lean operating system
called Unix.

They wanted to separate the OS into two parts:

First was the core functionality of the OS,

things like memory management, multitasking,and dealing with I/O,
如内存管理,多任务和输入/输出处理 \N 这叫"内核"

which is called the kernel .
如内存管理,多任务和输入/输出处理 \N 这叫"内核"

The second part was a wide array of useful tools that came bundled with,

but not part of the kernel, things like programs and libraries.

Building a compact, lean kernel meant intentionally leaving some functionality out.
紧凑的内核 意味着功能没有那么全面

Tom Van Vleck, another Multics developer, recalled:
Multics 的另一个开发者 Tom Van Vleck 回忆说:

“I remarked to Dennis that easily half the code I was writing in Multics was error recovery code.”
“我对 Dennis 说,我在 Multics 写的一半代码都是错误恢复代码”

He said, "We left all that stuff out of Unix.
他说:"Unix 不会有这些东西

If there’s an error, we have this routine called panic,

and when it is called, the machine crashes,

and you holler down the hall, ‘Hey, reboot it.’“”

You might have heard of kernel panics.
你可能听过 “内核恐慌”(kernel panic)

This is where the term came from.

It’s literally when the kernel crashes, has no recourse to recover,

and so calls a function called “panic”.

Originally, all it did was print the word “panic” and then enter an infinite loop.

This simplicity meant that Unix could be run on cheaper and more diverse hardware,
这种简单性意味着 \N Unix 可以在更便宜更多的硬件上运行

making it popular inside Bell Labs, where Dennis and Ken worked.
使 Unix 在 Dennis 和 Ken 工作的 \N 贝尔实验室大受欢迎

As more developers started using Unix to build and run their own programs,
越来越多开发人员用 Unix 写程序和运行程序

the number of contributed tools grew.

Soon after its release in 1971,
1971 年发布后不久

it gained compilers for different programming languages and even a word processor,
就有人写了不同编程语言的编译器 \N 甚至文字处理器

quickly making it one of the most popular OSes of the 1970s and 80s.
使得 Unix 迅速成为 \N 1970~80年代最流行的操作系统之一

At the same time, by the early 1980s,
到 1980 年代早期

the cost of a basic computer had fallen to the point where individual people could afford one,
计算机的价格 降到普通人买得起 \N 这些叫"个人电脑"或"家庭电脑"

called a personal or home computer.

These were much simpler than the big mainframes
这些电脑比大型主机简单得多 \N 主机一般在大学,公司和政府
found at universities, corporations, and governments.
So, their operating systems had to be equally simple.

For example, Microsoft’s Disk Operating System, or MS-DOS, was just 160 kilobytes,
举例,微软的磁盘操作系统(MS-DOS)只有 160 kB \N 一张磁盘就可以容纳

allowing it to fit, as the name suggests, onto a single disk.
First released in 1981, it became the most popular OS for early home computers,
于 1981 年发布,成为早期家用电脑最受欢迎的操作系统

even though it lacked multitasking and protected memory.

This meant that programs could,

and would, regularly crash the system.
While annoying, it was an acceptable tradeoff,
as users could just turn their own computers off and on again!
Even early versions of Windows,
哪怕是微软 1985 年发布的早期 Windows \N 虽然在 90 年代很流行

first released by Microsoft in 1985 and which dominated the OS scene throughout the 1990s,
lacked strong memory protection.

When programs misbehaved,
you could get the blue screen of death,
a sign that a program had crashed so badly that it took down the whole operating system.

Luckily, newer versions of Windows have better protections and usually don’t crash that often.

Today, computers run modern operating systems,
如今的计算机 有现代操作系统

like Mac OS X, Windows 10, Linux, iOS and Android.
比如 Mac OS X,Windows 10 \NLinux,iOS和Android

Even though the computers we own are most often used by just a single person,


their OS all have multitasking and virtual and protected memory.
操作系统依然有**"多任务, “虚拟内存”, “内存保护”**

So, they can run many programs at once:

you can watch YouTube in your web browser,
一边在浏览器看 YouTube,一边在 Photoshop 修图

edit a photo in Photoshop,

play music in Spotify and sync Dropbox all at the same time.
用 Spotify 放音乐,同步 Dropbox

This wouldn’t be possible without those decades of research and development on Operating Systems,

and of course the proper memory to store those programs.

Which we’ll get to next week.





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Misc 流量分析

流量分析简介 网络流量分析是指捕捉网络中流动的数据包,并通过查看包内部数据以及进行相关的协议、流量分析、统计等来发现网络运行过程中出现的问题。 在CTF比赛中,以及各种技能大赛对于流量包的分析取证是一种十分重要的题型。通常这类题目都是会提供…


前言 今天我们使用c语言来写代码来实现字符串选择的判断,我们来看题目 题目描述 写一个函数,判断一个字符串是否为另外一个字符串旋转之后的字符串。 例如:给定s1 AABCD和s2 BCDAA,返回1 给定s1abcd和s2ACBD,返回0. A…


在繁忙的工作中,有一个方便好用的操作手册知识库能帮我们节省大量时间,避免走弯路。那么,如何创建这样一个知识库呢?下面就给大家讲解一下简单易学的创建步骤。 一、明确目标与需求 在创建操作手册知识库之前,首先要明…


一、引言 大模型LLM英文全称是Large Language Model,是指包含超大规模参数(通常在十亿个以上)的神经网络模型。2022年11月底,人工智能对话聊天机器人ChatGPT一经推出,人们利用ChatGPT这样的大模型帮助解决很多事情&am…

YOLOv5 V7.0 - rknn模型的验证 输出精度(P)、召回率(R)、mAP50、mAP50-95

1.简介 RKNN官方没有提供YOLOv5模型的验证工具,而YOLOv5自带的验证工具只能验证pytorch、ONNX等常见格式的模型性能,无法运行rknn格式。考虑到YOLOv5模型转换为rknn会有一定的精度损失,但是需要具体数值才能进行评估,所以需要一个…


Python工具开源专栏 Py0006 pythonflaskldap3搭建简易版IDaaS系统(前端站点) Python工具开源专栏前言目录结构前端网站的部分演示首页查询数据数据同步数据关联查询系统日志 完整代码已在GitHub上开源 前言 pythonflaskldap3搭建简易版IDaaS系统的前端站…


一.SpringBoot指标监控_添加Actuator功能 Spring Boot Actuator可以帮助程序员监控和管理SpringBoot应用,比如健康检查、内存使用情况统计、线程使用情况统计等。我 们在SpringBoot项目中添加Actuator功能,即可使用Actuator监控 项目,用法如…


geojson文件示例, {"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "Point","coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]},"properties&q…