Look, Apple is making wireless charging cool again with the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X. I’m glad! But there are things you should know about this technology—like how fast it’s going to charge your phone. You know, practical stuff.
瞧瞧,Apple正在借助iPhone 8、8 Plus和X再次使无线充电变酷。我很高兴! 但是您应该了解一些有关此技术的知识,例如它将为手机充电的速度。 你知道的,实用的东西。
For example: is wireless charging as fast as as wired charging? It depends. The speed of how quickly your phone will charge wireless depends on several variables—like which wireless charger you’re using, which phone you’re charging, and what you’re comparing it to in terms of charging speed. Let’s talk about it.
例如:无线充电是否和有线充电一样快? 这取决于。 手机无线充电速度的速度取决于多个变量-例如您使用的是无线充电器,正在充电的手机以及将其与充电速度进行比较。 让我们来谈谈它。
When it comes to wireless charging, the general rule used to be “yes, it’s slower than wired charging.” But as time has gone on and the tech has evolved, that’s not as true anymore. Just like wired charging, there is a faster version of wireless charging. So, just so we’re clear out of the gate, here’s what we have to deal with:
当谈到无线充电,一般的规则曾经是“是的,它比有线充电慢。” 但是随着时间的流逝和技术的发展,事实已不再是事实。 就像有线充电一样,无线充电也有更快的版本。 因此,正因为我们很清楚,这是我们必须处理的问题:
Wired Charging: Traditional charging, found on every phone since the dawn of time.
Fast/Rapid/Quick/Turbo (Wired) Charging: Newer tech that has emerged as the standard, just with different variations of the name. As suggested, this is much faster than regular wired charging.
快速/快速/快速/涡轮增压(有线)充电:新兴技术已成为标准,只是名称有所不同。 如建议的那样,这比常规的有线充电要快得多。
Wireless Charging: The wireless form of standard charging, only slower.
Fast Wireless Charging: The rapid equivalent of wireless charging. Not available on all phones.
快速无线充电:快速相当于无线充电。 并非在所有手机上都可用。
So, as you can see, this isn’t really a cut and dry, yes or no type of answer. Like I said, it depends. If you’re comparing an older phone with standard wired charging to a modern phone with fast wireless charging, the latter will probably be faster—or comparable at the very least. So at there’s that.
因此,正如您所看到的,这并不是真正的干练,是或否的答案。 就像我说的,这取决于。 如果您将具有标准有线充电功能的旧手机与具有快速无线充电功能的现代手机进行比较,则后者可能会更快-或至少是可比的。 这样就可以了。
But if you’re comparing quick wired charging to any form of wireless charging, you’re definitely getting a slower trickle there. Quick wired charging is undoubtedly the fastest way to juice your phone…assuming it supports it. (The iPhone 8 and X support fast wired charging, but it requires a special Lightning-to-USB-C cable and USB-C charger. They also support Fast Wireless Charging as long as you’ve updated to iOS 11.2.)
但是,如果您将快速有线充电与任何形式的无线充电进行比较,则肯定会慢一点。 毫无疑问,快速有线充电是使手机充满活力的最快方法,只要它支持它即可。 (iPhone 8和X支持快速有线充电,但需要特殊的Lightning-to-USB-C电缆和USB-C充电器 。只要您更新到iOS 11.2,它们还支持快速无线充电。)
And that’s what really throws a wrench into this already not-so-simple answer: not all phones support all standards. So, it depends even more. To make matters even more convoluted, you not only have to take into consideration what phone you’re using, but also what charger you’re using.
这才是真正使这个已经不是那么简单的答案的关键所在:并非所有手机都支持所有标准。 所以,这取决于甚至更多 。 为了使事情更加复杂,您不仅要考虑使用的是哪种手机,还要考虑使用的是哪种充电器。

Because even if you have fast wireless charging on the phone, you also need a fast wireless charger before it will work (just like you need a quick charger for quick wired charging to work). And that also brings about another thing worth mentioning: fast wireless charging is louder than regular wireless charging, because it gets hotter, so these chargers have fans in them. It’s more of a light “whir,” but still. It bothers some people. Some phones will allow you to disable fast wireless charging, however.
因为即使您在电话上进行了快速的无线充电,您也需要一个快速的无线充电器才能工作(就像您需要快速充电器才能进行快速有线充电一样)。 这还带来了另一件事值得一提:快速无线充电比常规无线充电要响 ,因为它会变热,因此这些充电器中都有风扇。 它更像是一种轻声的“呼r”,但仍然如此。 它困扰着一些人。 但是,有些手机会允许您禁用快速无线充电 。
Going back to the original question we were looking to answer here, there isn’t a straightforward solution—it’s going to depend on your phone and charger combination more than anything.
Here’s my proposed solution: always use wired charging when you need to juice up as quickly as possible, because you can’t go wrong with that. But for overnight charging, wireless charging is the way to go. It’s great being able to lie in bed and use your phone, then just roll over and drop it on a charger without having to fumble around with the cable. I’m so into that.
这是我建议的解决方案:当您需要尽快榨汁时,请始终使用有线充电,因为这不会出错。 但是对于通宵充电,无线充电是必经之路。 能够躺在床上并使用手机,然后将其翻转并放到充电器上而不必费心摸索,这真是太好了。 我很喜欢
Also, don’t try using both at the same time. It won’t work anyway, so just…don’t. It’s not going to charge twice as fast.
另外,请勿尝试同时使用两者。 无论如何它都行不通,所以……不行。 它的充电速度不会快两倍。
Image credit: Apple
图片来源: Apple
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/326094/is-wireless-charging-slower-than-wired-charging/