Your iPhone can be used as an alarm clock, a stopwatch, and a timer. However, If you have an Apple Watch, you don’t have to take out your phone to use any of these tools. Your watch has built-in apps that perform the same functions.
您的iPhone可用作闹钟,秒表和计时器。 但是,如果您有Apple Watch,则无需取出手机即可使用任何这些工具。 您的手表具有执行相同功能的内置应用程序。
The alarm, stopwatch, and timer apps on the Apple Watch are independent of the same apps on your iPhone. They perform the same functions, but do not sync with the corresponding apps on your phone. We’ll show you how to access and use each of these tools on your watch.
Apple Watch上的闹钟,秒表和计时器应用程序独立于iPhone上的相同应用程序。 它们执行相同的功能,但不会与手机上的相应应用程序同步。 我们将向您展示如何访问和使用手表上的这些工具。
如何使用闹钟 (How to Use the Alarm)
You can set multiple alarms on your Apple Watch. As we mentioned, the Alarm app on Apple Watch is completely separate from the Alarm app on the iPhone. However, if you have an alarm set on your iPhone and you’re wearing your Apple Watch when it goes off, the watch will alert you and allow you to snooze or dismiss it.
您可以在Apple Watch上设置多个警报。 如前所述,Apple Watch上的Alarm应用程序与iPhone上的Alarm应用程序完全分开。 但是,如果您在iPhone上设置了闹钟,并且在Apple Watch关机时仍在佩戴,则该手表会提醒您并允许您暂停或关闭它。
To open the Alarm app on your watch, press the digital crown to access the app menu screen and tap the Alarm app icon.

To add a new alarm, force touch (press firmly) on the main Alarms screen…

…then tap “Add Alarm”.

To set the time for the alarm, tap “Change Time”.

Tap on the hour and turn the digital crown to select the hour for the alarm time. Tap the minutes and do the same thing. Then, select AM or PM by tapping one or the other in the upper corners of the screen. Tap “Set”.
点击小时并转动数字表冠以选择闹铃时间的小时。 点击分钟,然后执行相同的操作。 然后,通过点击屏幕上角的一个或另一个来选择AM或PM。 点击“设置”。

You are returned to the New Alarm screen. To set the day(s) on which you want the alarm to go off, tap “Repeat”. On the Repeat screen, tap each day on which you want the alarm to go off. For example, we want our alarm to go off on weekdays, so we tap on those days. To return to the New Alarm screen, tap the back arrow in the upper-left corner of the screen.
您将返回到“新警报”屏幕。 要设置闹钟响起的日期,请点击“重复”。 在“重复”屏幕上,点击您希望闹钟响起的每一天。 例如,我们希望闹钟在工作日响起,因此请点击这些日子。 要返回“新警报”屏幕,请点击屏幕左上角的向后箭头。

To give the alarm a name, tap “Label” on the New Alarm screen. Because it’s not easy to type on the small watch screen, you are prompted to speak your label. The text then displays on the screen. If the text is right, tap “Done”. If the label didn’t turn out right, you can tap “Cancel” and then tap “Label” on the New Alarm screen to try again.
要命名警报,请在“新建警报”屏幕上点击“标签”。 由于在小型手表屏幕上打字不容易,因此系统会提示您说出标签。 文本然后显示在屏幕上。 如果文字正确,请点击“完成”。 如果标签显示不正确,您可以点击“取消”,然后在“新警报”屏幕上点击“标签”,然后重试。

If you want the option to snooze when the alarm goes off, tap the “Snooze” slider button so it turns green. Once you’re finished setting up your alarm, tap the back arrow in the upper-left corner of the screen.
如果您想让选项在闹钟响起时暂停,请点按“暂停”滑块按钮,使其变为绿色。 设置完闹钟后,请点击屏幕左上角的向后箭头。

The new alarm displays on the main Alarms screen. Use the slider button to turn the alarm on (green) and off (gray).
新警报显示在“警报”主屏幕上。 使用滑块按钮打开(绿色)和关闭(灰色)警报。

To change the settings for an alarm, tap on the alarm on the Alarms screen and change the settings on the Edit Alarm screen. To delete the alarm, swipe up to scroll to the bottom of the Edit Alarm screen and tap “Delete”.
要更改警报设置,请在“警报”屏幕上点击警报,然后在“编辑警报”屏幕上更改设置。 要删除警报,请向上滑动以滚动到“编辑警报”屏幕的底部,然后点击“删除”。

如何使用计时器 (How to Use the Timer)
Need a new kitchen timer? Don’t bother buying one. You can use your Apple Watch as a timer, so you don’t even need to take your iPhone to time an activity.
需要一个新的厨房计时器吗? 不要打扰买一个。 您可以将Apple Watch用作计时器,因此甚至无需拿起iPhone来为活动计时。
To open the Timer app, press the digital crown to access the app menu screen and tap the Timer app icon.

To set the amount of time to count down, tap on the “HR” and “MIN” boxes and turn the digital crown to choose the amount of time you want. To start the timer, tap “Start”.
要设置倒计时的时间,请点击“ HR”和“ MIN”框,然后转动数字表冠以选择所需的时间。 要启动计时器,请点击“开始”。

To switch between a timer that can go from zero to 12 hours and one that can go up to 24 hours, force touch on the Timer screen and tap either “0 – 12 hours” or “0 – 24 hours”.
要在可以从零到12小时的计时器和可以长达24小时的计时器之间切换,请在“计时器”屏幕上强行触摸并点按“ 0 – 12小时”或“ 0 – 24小时”。

To temporarily stop the timer without resetting it, tap “Pause”.

To start the timer again after pausing it, tap “Resume”. Tap “Cancel” to reset the timer.
要在暂停后再次启动计时器,请点击“恢复”。 点击“取消”以重置计时器。

如何使用秒表 (How to Use the Stopwatch)
Your Apple Watch also has a stopwatch that allows you to easily and accurately time events up to 11 hours and 55 minutes. You can also keep track of split times or laps and view the results in different formats. We’ve covered using your Apple Watch as a stopwatch separately, so see our article for details.
Apple Watch还具有秒表,可让您轻松,准确地将事件计时长达11小时55分钟。 您还可以跟踪时间或圈数,并以不同的格式查看结果。 我们已经单独将Apple Watch用作秒表,因此请参阅我们的文章以了解详细信息。

All three of these tools can be added as complications on certain watch faces. The stopwatch is actually built into the Chronograph watch face.
所有这三个工具都可以作为复杂功能添加到某些表盘上。 秒表实际上内置在计时表的表面。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/244585/how-to-set-alarms-and-timers-on-the-apple-watch/